How About This For Your Next Company Outing?

10 months ago 21

  Leaders are always looking for ways to inspire and engage their workforce. For those leaders seeking opportunities to make a more positive impact and change beyond just their bottom line, how is this suggestion for a great company...

How about a visit to your local recycling plant?


Leaders are always looking for ways to inspire and engage their workforce. For those leaders seeking opportunities to make a more positive impact and change beyond just their bottom line, how is this suggestion for a great company or department activity? I even supply a sample agenda for you.

How about a visit to your local recycling plant?

Seriously! I attended a 2.5-hour training this week, at my local recycling facility in Boulder Colorado. I went because I was doing my civic duty, not because I was especially inspired. I have been recycling for years and considered myself pretty proficient at it. I thought it might be gross and smelly. It wasn’t.

To my surprise, it was an excellent, fascinating, stimulating and thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours. I learned loads (see the box to the right) and came out duly chagrined, bummed at all my wastage over the years, hopeful about the future of our planet. And wishing that this was mandatory training for every adult. Ironically, most school kids do get tours through these facilities and likely know more than you do.

So why would a leader want to do the same thing? Glad you asked.   Please see the sidebar for some of the many advantages such an outing might afford your company:

8 Business Advantages to Touring Your Local Recycling Facility

1. You will reduce your company waste management costs, partly through learning new ideas and definitely through increasing compliance of employees

2. You will decrease your environmental footprint

3. You will gain the respect and engagement of your millennial workforce (they really care about the planet)

4. Your clients will hear about it and view you with higher regard. They also care about this stuff. Look at Patagonia’s success if you are skeptical

5. The staff at your recycling facility are really knowledgeable. You will update you recycling and waste management policy. When last did that get looked at? Or perhaps you will develop one if you are smaller and still getting going.

6. You will start collaborating with your City and your Eco-Cycle – very powerful collaborations. And if you are already in partnership then you will nurture this relationship.

7. If you are exploring your B-Corp certification (you have just gained my huge respect for this BTW, pick up the phone or drop me an email, I would like to see how I might support you with this hero’s journey), this visit will help you gain certification points as you manage your hazardous waste disposal efficacy and amount of waste recycled.

8. This outing will keep on giving back to the planet as your employees take this knowledge home, influence their families and decrease their environmental


Important Caveat: I don’t have any ties to any recycling plant, monetarily or otherwise. I do have a great passion for helping CEOs increase their impact in our world and use their businesses as an ever-increasing force for good.

Sample Agenda for Company Outing to the Recycle Facility

1. Your local recycling facility is sure to offer tours and training to the community
2. Transport should be arranged to and from the local recycling facility. Car-pooling, bicycles or as a green a method as possible is recommended.
3. Consider offsetting the carbon footprint of the event. It would be a fitting gesture, and a great exercise if your company is new to taking such steps.

9:00 – 9:30 AMMeet and transport to the local Recycling facility
9:30 – 10:00Welcome

• The leader welcomes the employees and talks about his vision and the impact he wants the company to make
• The leader (or a company sustainability officer) can outline the current waste management process and goals
• Set intention and review the agenda for the employees for the day.
10:00 - noonTraining and Tour
Training and tour by Recycling facility staff

You could organize a picnic.
You will have zero-waste consultants in your town to help you!

1:30 - 2:30 PMBrainstorm
• Split attendees into small groups of 6-10 people.
• Each group appoints a spokes-person
• Facilitate a guided brainstorming session to gather employees’ recommendations and ideas for increasing positive impact and change within the company, the community and the planet by reducing, recycling or eliminating waste
2:30 – 3:00 PMSynthesize Ideas
Each group leader presents the group’s ideas for increasing positive impact
3:00 – 3:15 PMClose
• Leader thanks the team
• Collects the ideas
• Gives his feedback and next actions based on the day

If you would like us to lead and manage this event for you, let’s talk



What an Experienced Recycler Learned by Visiting the Local Recycling Facility

1. All recycling facilities are different. You need to understand what your local facility can and can’t do. It differs from town to town, based on the facility capabilities, and what recycled materials they can re-use and resell.
2. I finally understood why we need to worry about landfills. Here in Colorado, we have plenty of space so I didn’t get it (other than the obvious gross idea of our trash getting buried in someone’s back yard). I now understand the following critical point. Materials in the landfill are so tightly packed that when they decompose, they do so anaerobically (without air). This emits methane gas. This is very bad news because methane is 14 times worse than carbon dioxide for the environment and global warming.
3. While some plastics are recyclable, they definitely aren’t all. And it is hard to reuse the plastic, with few people that can repurpose it. Given that it takes over 700 years to decompose, it is far better to not buy plastic when you have a choice. Think milk and juice cartons, which are recyclable.
4. Our recycling facility works with big wasters to try and find solutions. They have some great examples.
5. Aluminum and glass are recycling success stories, they are repurposed very quickly and last forever. In the case of aluminum, this is especially important since some of its precursors are getting mined out. Sadly, the landfill is still full of these materials.
6. The recycling symbol with a number in it does not mean it is recyclable. Bummer! The worst culprits in my world are plastic “to go” cups from fast food stores, that all have the recycle symbol. Most can NOT be recycled. How frightening! More incentive to take my water bottle with me everywhere!
7. The worst offenders in the recycle facility are food and liquid. Containers should be emptied and rinsed. Get rid of the food (in the compost of course).
8. Plastic bags get caught in the machine and jam the entire production line about 4 times a day. It is stopped, cleaned and restarted. Who still thinks plastic bags can be recycled curbside? For that matter, who is still using them? It is such an easy change to stop!

My personal thanks to 1% for the Planet, for arranging and inviting me to the Recycle facility. They arranged events like this all over the world this week. I have been a proud member of 1% for the Planet, which means 1% of my revenues are pledged to organizations who work on our environment’s health.

The post How About This For Your Next Company Outing? first appeared on Top 6 Business Coach.

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