Life In Lockdown – Week 14

10 months ago 40

Life In Lock Down continues into week 14. With social distancing rules expected to be relaxed to 1 metre today, how will this affect your business? Hospitality, beauty, and education are waiting anxiously to learn their feat this week,...

Life In Lock Down continues into week 14.

With social distancing rules expected to be relaxed to 1 metre today, how will this affect your business?

Hospitality, beauty, and education are waiting anxiously to learn their feat this week, with one third of their annual turnover wiped out from this pandemic it will take strength and tenacity to find the energy to push on.

However too many business owners are still sitting with their heads firmly stuck in the sand, or hanging on every thread of worries about tomorrow and the future.

The only guarantee we all have is that tomorrow will come regardless if we are ready or not, and many will not be.

I believe that right now we need to demonstrate strong leadership.

Now couldn’t be a better time to invest in your leadership skills, I believe it is this that will set you apart from your competitors.

I think many of us are expecting a huge spike in the number of redundancies in the next few months, as the furlough scheme changes and demands employers to contribute to their employees pay.

This will result in our organisations being leaner than before.

We will need to achieve more with less.

With a leaner team and maybe less resources we may be asking for more from our team, here is where the leadership comes in.

We need to retain and develop our talent, we will need our top performers to support us and our customers.

With anxiety and fear being at an all-time high, your employees need to see confidence and clarity.

Your team expect and deserve for you their leader to have control, to communicate clearly and with a consistent message and help them to serve your market.

Take control, get the support you need, find a coach or a Mastermind group to be your sounding board, so you can lead your team with courage and certainty. The last thing your team need right now is to be led by someone who is dithering in their directions and decisions.

Go back to basics, fix the leaks in your business;

Develop your strategy for the next three monthsDefine everyone’s roles and responsibilitiesMeasure what is importantKnow your numbersServe your customers, add value Lead with confidence and clarityFind your support network

Now is not the time for being missing in action, your team and your customers need you.

Be bold, be courageous be back in business.

Have a great week.

PS, If you need some help in identifying where and what you need to improve, complete this FREE survey I wrote which will highlight what to work on first, it will take around 10 minutes to complete, you will receive a written report giving you some direction.

The post Life In Lockdown – Week 14 appeared first on Cloud9 Business Coaching.

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