Read: How do I shift my grief about life before chronic illness?

8 months ago 19

The primary issue I often hear from women is the profound sense of loss—of identity, the life you once knew, and the future you imagined for yourself. It's also been a significant part of my own experience. Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that this grief is entirely normal and can be processed. The key is allowing it to be part of your experience and to flow through you. Issues arise when it solidifies, leaving you feeling utterly stuck. There are two key breakthrough approaches for when you feel stuck: Rewrite the Narrative We need to challenge the narrative of illness that we're fed—the belief that nothing good can happen until we're well. This is not only disempowering but fundamentally untrue. There are numerous beautiful opportunities and options available to you right where you are. I'm not referring to toxic positivity; I'm talking about genuine, tangible options that already exist. Start with what feels good If you want to find these for yourself, the first step is to tap into what feels good, brings energy into your emotional system and follow that thread. When doubts arise, ask yourself:  "How might it be possible?" You don't need to have all the answers; just stay with the open question, and your inner guidance will start to reveal new options. Trust your Longings Trust the longings of your heart, they are there for a reason—they serve as a compass for you.Personally, I found it painful to cling to hopes of a cure or that someday it would all be over. However, burying hope only led to further despair. The true breakthrough, which has significantly impacted my life, was learning to trust my desires and prioritize what is important to me over others' expectations. In my work with women, I consistently find that these longings illuminate the path forward, albeit in unexpected ways. This process leads us out of the quagmire of grief. Honesty, Compassion and the New It's crucial to acknowledge and compassionately address our true feelings. However, this is not where we're meant to remain indefinitely; it's merely the first step toward something new. If you want to go deep and access more tools, my Chronic Illness and Hope Workshop will help you reclaim hope in ways that feel safe and empowering. 

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