15 December 2024 - Third Sunday in Advent - Prayers of the faithful - CMCF Prison Ministry

3 months ago 65

Introduction: On the first two Sundays of Advent, we heard Jesus preparing us for the end times and we heard John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord by calling the people to repentance. Today, we continue to hear from John the Baptist as he prepares the people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. May we open our minds and hearts to the Lord today at Mass as we continue to prepare for the coming of the Lord.  Lord Jesus - you are the Son of the Most High.  Christ Jesus - you bring us God’s wisdom.  Lord Jesus - your kingdom is without end.  Priest: With Advent joy and hope, in this third week of waiting and preparation, we present our prayers this morning to our Heavenly Father.  1. We pray for all of our families, that the Lord lead them and keep them safe as they prepare for the coming of the Lord at Christmas. We pray to the Lord.  2. For the Gospel of Life, that we will work to protect human life, especially the unborn and the most vulnerable. We pray to the Lord.  3. We pray for those who have lost a loved one, especially this last year. We pray for the repose of the souls of all the faithful departed. For their entry into eternal life. We pray to the Lord. 
4. For all our Church leaders. We pray for the men who lead our Catholic community here at CMCF. We pray to the Lord.  5. For healing and reconciliation in our community. May the Lord heal the brokenness in our lives. May he help us to forgive. We pray that we will make a special effort to reach out to those who are lonely or in need this holiday season. We pray to the Lord. 
6. For those who are sick, for healing for them in body, mind and spirit. We pray to the Lord.  7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. For our prayer intentions, spoken and unspoken. We pray to the Lord.  Priest: Generous God, as we prepare for the birth of our savior, we thank you for our many blessings. Continue to look with favor on us. We present our prayers through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever and ever. AMEN.  

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