What Reduces Indoor Air Quality in Southfield, MI & Why You Need Air Duct Cleaning!

4 days ago 8

There is probably not anyone out there that would tell you that their goal is to make their home as dirty as possible. To be able to enjoy your house there has to be some level of cleanliness. Even though you may be trying to do things each and every day that will help your… Continue reading → The post What Reduces Indoor Air Quality in Southfield, MI & Why You Need Air Duct Cleaning! appeared first on Sterling Environmental Air Duct Cleaning.

There is probably not anyone out there that would tell you that their goal is to make their home as dirty as possible. To be able to enjoy your house there has to be some level of cleanliness. Even though you may be trying to do things each and every day that will help your home stay clean you may also be doing things each and every day that are actually making it dirtier. Today Sterling Environmental Air Duct Cleaning wants to talk to you about things that you could be doing on a regular basis that are decreasing your indoor air quality.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?

First let’s talk about what indoor air quality is the air quality within buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of those in the building. Indoor air quality is important to worry about so that you can keep your family healthy. When your indoor air quality is low your family, friends, and pets could all get sick. So now that we now what indoor air quality is and why it is important let’s start looking at things that you may be doing on a daily basis that is decreasing your indoor air quality.

Smoking Indoors

When you smoke indoors the cigarette smoke lingers in the air. Secondhand smoke is responsible for 3,000 lung cancer deaths each year in nonsmokers. The smoke lingering in the air also affects the smoker. It is best for you and your guests to keep the smoking outside.

Dirty Pets

If you are a pet owner you may be unknowingly decreasing your indoor air quality by not keeping your pets clean. You need to frequently bathe your pets. You will also want to wash their crate, bedding, cage, or whatever else they may live in. If your pets or their belongings are not clean it will increase the pet dander in your home which decreases your indoor air quality.

Candles & Incense

People across the world like to burn candles and incense in their homes. Candles and incense make your home smell fabulous and can increase your emotional well-being. If you burn them regularly it can exacerbate any respiratory issues or asthma. If you do burn candles or incense you will want to make sure that you open your windows and let the fresh air go through your home as well.

Dirty Floors

As you live in your home it is inevitable that your floors will get dirty. Dirty floors are one of the large culprits of things that lower your indoor air quality. Simply cleaning your floors will help increase your indoor air quality.

Not Changing Air Filters

Your air filters help keep dirt and pollutants from coming into your home. If your air filters are dirty, they do not perform their function properly. Follow the directives given on your air filters packaging to know how frequently you should change your air filters.

Air Duct Cleaning in West Branch, Oak Park, Madison Heights, Warren, Sterling Heights, Detroit & Southeast Michigan

If you are doing some of the things listed above you are in good company. People across the country unknowingly contribute to their poor indoor air quality. As you shift a few simple habits you will be able to increase the air quality in your home and improve the life of your friends and family. And of course, air duct cleaning can remove the contaminants floating around in the air your loved ones are breathing daily to give you a fresh start. Call Sterling Environmental Air Duct Cleaning today!

The post What Reduces Indoor Air Quality in Southfield, MI & Why You Need Air Duct Cleaning! appeared first on Sterling Environmental Air Duct Cleaning.

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