Online Eat in Peace Group Starting in January

5 years ago 51

Residents of FL, NY, & CA: Join me for this intimate, online group beginning in January. Constantly thinking about food. . . Counting calories, grams, macros, and the time before eating again. . Obsessing about food and wondering about food addiction. . . Anxious about sticking to diet rules and fighting off cravings. . . It’s all so preoccupying. . . and exhausting. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s possible for folks to transform their relationship with food. To get off the diet roller coaster, end emotional eating, and finally eat in peace. To make food less of a focus in life - experiencing food as something that nourishes and brings pleasure - but that doesn’t take up prime real estate in the brain. When people eat in peace, they can avoid passing down their food issues to their children. They can focus on what they value most. They can show up better in their relationships and for themselves. Eat in Peace* is a six-session group that draws from DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), IE (Intuitive Eating), and HAES (Health at Every Size)Ⓡ. It encourages participants to explore their values and their relationship with food and with dieting; to learn about hunger, fullness, and satiety; to cope with their feelings without using food; to understand the real relationship between health and weight; to pursue joyful physical activity; and to consider, but stop stressing about, nutritional information and health. *This group is not intended to be a weight-loss intervention. More info here. . .

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