Five-Minute Starts: Fifteen Ideas to Ignite Your Class

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The first five minutes of every class in higher education holds far more significance than they might initially seem. These brief moments set the stage for active learning, focus, trust, and shaping the atmosphere of the entire session. When teachers begin with enthusiasm, engagement, and a thoughtful provocation, they foster an environment where students feel […] The post Five-Minute Starts: Fifteen Ideas to Ignite Your Class appeared first on Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.

The first five minutes of every class in higher education holds far more significance than they might initially seem. These brief moments set the stage for active learning, focus, trust, and shaping the atmosphere of the entire session. When teachers begin with enthusiasm, engagement, and a thoughtful provocation, they foster an environment where students feel encouraged to approach the class with an open and curious mindset. These crucial minutes set the tone, influencing how students perceive the class, their peers, and their role within the learning environment. Classrooms using effective teaching methods that create engaging activities and promote active learning and critical thinking are more likely to result in deeper learning (Fink, 2013). Consider the “First Five Minutes” from the students’ perspective. Imagine their experience as they enter the classroom and transition into the initial moments of the session.  

Beyond sparking curiosity or excitement, this opening window of time is the opportunity to establish ground rules or a student contract. By outlining expectations for respectful dialogue, mindful language, and open-mindedness, educators can create a safe and inclusive space that promotes a sense of community. Simple active learning techniques such as a quick “temperature check” or low stakes writing activity (Lang, 2021) can allow space for students to express their feelings, particularly when discussing challenging or emotive material, which simultaneously builds empathy and inclusion. By immediately creating activities that foster a sense of community and respect, educators can encourage students to participate actively and share their perspectives, aligning with principles of inclusive pedagogy (Freire, 1970). 

The transition from external preoccupations to a classroom focus is a critical moment in the learning process. Students may have their minds on social plans, pending assignments, personal issues, or reflections on previous classes. Effective educators anticipate this need for recalibration and strategically incorporate activities such as mindfulness exercises, thought-provoking prompts, or brief discussions to help students center their focus (Barbezat and Bush, 2014). 

This initial period establishes norms for student participation, signaling that contributions are valued, everyone’s voice matters, and the class is an inclusive environment. Through the use of humor, storytelling, or stimulating questions, instructors can create a space where students build up confidence and are equal and active participants in the learning process.  

This atmosphere is important for the faculty as well. Creating safe spaces for students to learn is essential for fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments. Having a classroom culture where students feel respected, valued, and free to express diverse perspectives is vital in uncovering views, challenging approaches and reflecting on practice. Educators must model inclusive practices, invite collaboration, and encourage dialogue; however, there is also a responsibility to address bias or discrimination when it arises (Holley and Steiner, 2005). Incorporating social-emotional learning and trauma-informed approaches with students can help everyone feel secure and understood. 

While there is no right answer for all situations, below we offer some ideas that may create the best possible atmosphere in a classroom.    

Fifteen Things to Try in the First Five Minutes

Play some music

You can play almost anything on YouTube or Spotify. You can create collaborative playlists in both spaces that allow students to choose music they would like to hear. Music changes the ambiance.  

Greet students as they walk in

It is nice to be welcomed into a space. A smile and a greeting can go a long way in making someone feel like they are in the right place—like they belong.  

Move the tables and chairs into something other than rows

If you can, making small groups of tables or students in the room can help students “see” each other. It puts the focus on the students themselves rather than the screen at the front of the room.  

Start with epiphanies

A lot of unexpected learning happens between classes that may or may not be directly related to the course content. Allowing students to share “epiphanies” they had encourages them to share and can sometimes lead to interdisciplinary connectivity.   

Use entry tickets

There are several ways to use an “entry ticket” but it usually involves students creating something, either on paper or online. Padlet is a good digital tool. The idea is that students are asked to do some thinking and creating. It can also serve to see who is in the classroom.  

One quote: Five minutes of reflection and discussion

Quotes can be inspirational. Spending some time at the start of each class reflecting and sharing thoughts around a content-related quote can generate some good thinking! 

Quickly create and share something

In small groups, use Legos to build animals or objects, arrange pieces of paper with single words to craft poems, or utilize Google Docs for digital collaboration. Have students share stories about their creations or read their poems aloud. It’s a low-pressure way to foster teamwork. 

Remember those current events

Incorporate relevant current issues and events that connect with your students and the subject you teach. This might come naturally in government courses during an election year but can be more challenging in a math class. 

Bring something important

Choose an item that represents a part of who you are—it can be anything. Dedicate the first five minutes of class to exploring its collective significance and purpose. Students can share what their chosen item means to them, why it matters, and perhaps how it influences others. 


Begin class with a few quiet minutes of writing to help students center their focus. Responding to each journal entry transforms them into meaningful conversations between faculty and students. This approach ensures even quieter participants receive your undivided attention at some point. 

Say hi to a neighbor

Ask students to speak to someone they don’t usually sit beside to say hi/how is your week going. This encourages new friendships and community in the class and may offer students the chance to learn from someone new.  

Celebrate a success

Invite students to share their biggest personal or academic achievement of the week. This practice connects their outside experiences to the classroom and highlights their accomplishments. 

Taking the temperature

Some faculty begin class by creating a word cloud to capture how students are feeling and use it to “take the temperature” of the room, adjusting the session accordingly. Tools like Poll Everywhere or similar platforms allow students to share their emotions, helping them feel centered while giving faculty insight into their state of mind. 

Mindfulness activities: Five senses grounding activity

Describe five things you can hear, four things you can see, three things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. 

The classic overview

Present the session’s outcomes, then propose a schedule for the class and invite students to review it and suggest alternatives. By predefining the intended learning outcomes, I aim to give our (adult) students a sense of shared ownership over how the class will unfold. 

Marie McQuade is a lecturer at the University of Glasgow, and program lead for the BA Childhood Practice. Currently, McQuade is also deputy head of the Department for Educational Leadership and Policy at the School of Education and teaches and supervises across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. 

Todd Conaway is an instructional designer at the University of Washington | Bothell with eighteen years of experience working with faculty in and around digital pedagogy. He was a high school English teacher and has been teaching a variety of courses at the community college and university level for twenty-five years. 


Barbezat, D.P. and Bush, M. (2014). Contemplative practices in higher education: Powerful methods to transform teaching and learning. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.  

Fink, L. D (2013). Creating Significant Learning Experiences—An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. Jossey-Bass. 

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Seabury Press. 

Holley, L. C., & Steiner, S. (2005). Safe space: Student perspectives on classroom environment. Journal of Social Work Education, 41(1), 49–64.  

Lang, J. M. (2021). Small teaching: Everyday lessons from the science of learning (2nd ed). Jossey-Bass. 

The post Five-Minute Starts: Fifteen Ideas to Ignite Your Class appeared first on Faculty Focus | Higher Ed Teaching & Learning.

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