Does Your School System Have A Stance On ICE (And The DHS Directive)?

a month ago 38

Yes. They can come into schools without a warrant to arrest undocumented immigrants. They can come into churches and hospitals as well. If there is a church that runs a private school which takes voucher money, then it can be raided to get undocumented immigrants of any age. From the Department of Homeland Security: “This … Continue reading Does Your School System Have A Stance On ICE (And The DHS Directive)?

Yes. They can come into schools without a warrant to arrest undocumented immigrants.

They can come into churches and hospitals as well.

If there is a church that runs a private school which takes voucher money, then it can be raided to get undocumented immigrants of any age.

From the Department of Homeland Security:

“This action empowers the brave men and women in CBP and ICE to enforce our immigration laws and catch criminal aliens—including murders and rapists—who have illegally come into our country. Criminals will no longer be able to hide in America’s schools and churches to avoid arrest. The Trump Administration will not tie the hands of our brave law enforcement, and instead trusts them to use common sense.

“The Biden-Harris Administration abused the humanitarian parole program to indiscriminately allow 1.5 million migrants to enter our country. This was all stopped on day one of the Trump Administration. This action will return the humanitarian parole program to its original purpose of looking at migrants on a case-by-case basis.” 

So, has your school district issued any statement on this new development in which students of any age can be detained/arrested at public schools without any warning?

Some have already issued statements such as this which has been attributed to Guilford County Schools.

Every LEA needs to quickly state its position on this federal policy and communicate clearly with its staff and teachers.

And then we should be prepared to answer why we can spend countless hours in dramatic safety drills and millions on metal detectors to deter mass shootings in the most evangelical Christian country in the world, but can’t ensure that many good students whom we have legally accepted into our classrooms will not be taken without any protections.

What would Jesus do?

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