A few years ago, I came upon a paper titled, “Why Educators Resist Effective Practices” with the provocative subheading, And What It Would Take to Make EducationMore Like Medicine. It was written by Douglas Carnine, who I would come to learn not only one of the most important voices in advocacy for evidence-based education, but … Continue reading S4E20: Doug Carnine on Advocacy for Evidence
A few years ago, I came upon a paper titled, “Why Educators Resist Effective Practices” with the provocative subheading, And What It Would Take to Make Education
More Like Medicine. It was written by Douglas Carnine, who I would come to learn not only one of the most important voices in advocacy for evidence-based education, but is one of the world’s foremost experts in instructional design. I am honored that Dr. Carnine has joined us to talk about extremely ambitious and promising project, The Evidence Advocacy Center.
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Progressively Incorrect is sponsored by John Catt from Hodder Education and hosted by Dr. Zach Groshell. John Catt publishes some of the best books in education, including my book, Just Tell Them: The Power of Explanations and Explicit Teaching. If you can’t get it on Amazon in a timely manner, give Target and Barnes & Noble a try.

Finally, I wanted to invite you to some of the training events that I am putting on for Steplab in my role as the Director of Steplab North America. Check out my events page for more information, and let me know how I can help get you out to one of the fabulous cities that these training events are held in. See you there!