I’ve been reading the writing of Robert Pondiscio for some time. I think the first article that got me hooked on his ideas was titled, Direct Instruction: The Rodney Dangerfield of Curriculum, which featured some commentary by my most sensible education professor, Marcy Stein. In an unlikely turn of events, I found myself presenting alongside … Continue reading Robert Pondiscio’s The Next 30 Years
I’ve been reading the writing of Robert Pondiscio for some time. I think the first article that got me hooked on his ideas was titled, Direct Instruction: The Rodney Dangerfield of Curriculum, which featured some commentary by my most sensible education professor, Marcy Stein. In an unlikely turn of events, I found myself presenting alongside both of these folks in Chile at South America’s first and only researchED.

Robert, I came to learn, is cut from a different cloth than most people in education. He started his career in struggling schools (as I did), but eventually transitioned into journalism and policy. However, he’s never forgotten what it’s like to be a first year teacher and be handed the keys to a classroom of 30 of other people’s children and be told, “see you in 9 months, Mr. P.”
A new Substack series
Robert has started a new project that aims to re-focus our attention on the voices of practioners and what actually happens in classrooms. Me and my book, Just Tell Them, were just featured on it. Enjoy!
Quick Read: Getting to Know Zach Groshell