The Best Resources For Learning & Teaching About The 2026 Winter Olympics

9 hrs ago 10

  Yes, I know it’s early, but I figured I’d get a head start on the next Olympics. You might also be interested in: The Best Resources For Learning About The 2024 Paris Summer Olympics A BEGINNING LIST TO LEARN ABOUT THE 2022 BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS Here’s what I have so far, which will obviously […]

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Yes, I know it’s early, but I figured I’d get a head start on the next Olympics.

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Here’s what I have so far, which will obviously expand over the next twelve months. Many of these resources are actually from previous Olympics, but their content is relevant now, too:

A look at the venues for the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan Cortina is from The Associated Press.

The 2026 Milan-Cortina Olympics will bring the world together — sort of is from The Washington Post.

Check out my New York Times post for English Language Learners  on the Winter Olympics and using picture dictation in the classroom. It includes a student interactive and teaching ideas.  It’s about past Olympics, but the ideas can easily be adapted and modified.

Winter Olympics: The drama of the Games is from The BBC.

Here’s an interactive from the BBC on the history of the Olympic Games.

Tricks is a NY Times feature: “Snowboarders and skiers have an extensive vocabulary of spins and flips. Some tricks are named for their technical requirements, others for their flair. Here, some of the best riders describe the joy and fear that come with these jaw-dropping maneuvers.”

How Olympians Stay Motivated is an excellent article in The Atlantic, and here’s an excerpt that tells you about it:

We can’t all be Olympic athletes. (In fact some of us, including your humble narrator, should not be allowed anywhere near ice or blades.) But we all face times when we really don’t want to do something that we, nonetheless, really have to do. Drawing from interviews with top athletes and their coaches, along with psychological studies of athletes, here are seven ways Olympians stay motivated through the training slog. I doubt teachers will find a more useful article on the Olympics — piece combines the high interest and topic subject of the Olympics with just about every priority in Social Emotional Learning.

What Do the Olympic Rings Mean? is from Mental Floss.

The Olympic City Project has photos of former Olympic host sites.

Here are a bunch of videos from Infobytes:

Web English has some ELL materials around the Olympics.

The New York Times Learning Network has published Teaching the Winter Olympics Across the Curriculum, With Help From The New York Times, which is probably the best guide to teaching with the Olympics that you’re going to find anyway.  It’s from the last winter Olympics, and I’m sure they’ll come up with a new one for Beijing, but many of their ideas are still applicable.

NY Times Video Series On “Inside An Olympian Mind” Is Jackpot For Any Teacher Using Visualizing Strategies With Students

The speediest Winter Olympic sports is an interactive from The Washington Post.

TIMELINE: A History of Political Controversy at the Olympics is from KQED.

A Brief Guide to Every Sport at the Winter Olympics is from The NY Times.

Science of the Winter Olympics is a series of videos from NBC Learn. You can find them all here.

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