Life in Abundance

5 months ago 22

As we began life on our acreage nine years ago, we had great plans for a flourishing garden to provide food for our household. It has been a tumultuous process with flooding, hail, and a variety of other circumstances trying to destroy our hard work. It has been many years of waiting for what was planted to come to fruition. Definitely, it has been a time to develop patience. We planted our little fruit trees in faith, trusting that God would help them grow and produce fruit. This year we are finally seeing some of that come into play. As I walk through the garden and see the abundance of blossoms on many of the trees, I am excited for what is to come. Our loving Heavenly Father is a very patient Gardener. He lovingly plants us in His kingdom and nurtures us to help us grow. His plan is one of immense hope and purpose. Jesus says: “The thief comes only to steal away and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 NASB) The contrast in this passage is very clear – have life stolen from us or have life in abundance. What does God want for us? He loves us and wants to shower us with blessings. He wants us to lead full, rich lives of abundance. God wants what is for our good. That does not translate, however, in His promising to give us an abundant amount of stuff or things that the world offers. He plants the seeds of faith in our hearts and helps us grow in Him. Unfortunately, the devil is prowling around looking for more prey. He doesn’t want to see us happy or productive. He wants to steal our joy and suck the life out of us. He is going down and he knows it and he wants to take whoever he can with him. He knows how to tempt us and draw us away from what God wants for us. He is tricky and he looks for our weak spots. He would love to steal our abundance. Our only hope is to look to our Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep and keeps them safe. Jesus died and rose again to bring us into His family – something the devil cannot touch. Our abundant life is not an exterior thing. True abundance comes from our relationship with Christ and the hope and joy that brings. No one can steal that abundance from us unless we let them. With God our abundance is a life of faith and purpose, filled with joy that can only come from Him.

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