2 years ago 42

Playing the "12-Tile" variant of the game(*), I drew (in alphabetical order)  E I K L M N O O R S T V (*) Using the longer 'rack' invented by Montgomery Spoonbill, and applying the 3-words per turn rule which is the norm in countries with 27 or more (sometimes many, many more) letters in their alphabets.  Worth a visit. They are all south of the Equator as you would expect. I was playing against myself (Harbinger's 'Solo' Rules).  As soon as I saw these letters, three words sprang to mind but, as often happens under Harbinger, were instantly forgotten. So, working from left to right (English system), I made - first LIKE MOON RVST      The judge disqualified RVST as not being a real word (c'mon! It's RUST. Well, nearly) and told me he didn't LIKE the way I was MOONing around. Awarded a Harbinger Score of ZERO and a Yellow Card.  Said I must try harder.  OK, what next?    MORE VOLT SINK      Three real words at last!  YEAH!  Harbinger score 377, a Fibonacci number!    LINK ROTS MOVE.    Better. Makes sense, but not a lot.  Harbinger Score 128, or 2^7 if you're binary.     KIT LOVES NORM.     All the letters in a sensible order. A little story, too!  Best wishes to both.  RON MOVES KILT.     Another little story.  MOVE TORN SILK     Why?  You might well ask. MORONS LIKE TV    Now I'm really on fire!  Making a social comment, too.100 Bonus points. ROOM V TINKLES.    Better see what Room 5 wants.  (Harbinger permits Roman numerals in lieu of the actual words, so . . . ) LIV MORE KNOTS.    Fiftyfour more knots, geddit? And make what do you will of the following. MONK LIST OVER.  OK, MINT LOVERS  KLIMT ROVES ON   TONS MILK OVER SILK ROOM VENT SILKEN TV ROOM Then, out of nowhere, my first three words came back to me!  Without wasting a moment, I rearranged the tiles.  I laid the words out on the Scrabble board.  They looked familiar.  I'd seen them somewhere before . . . .  STORM  INK  LOVE   . . .  scoring 351 And leaving me just 18 words to explain where this nonsense came from. It came from HERE

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