Given my practice, I see a lot of medical malpractice and medical mistakes. It is sometimes easy to forget about all the doctors, nurses and... The post Thank You, Health Care Providers appeared first on Sandweg & Ager PC.
Given my practice, I see a lot of medical malpractice and medical mistakes. It is sometimes easy to forget about all the doctors, nurses and other providers out there who are doing excellent work and who care greatly about the patients they encounter. This post is to recognize and thank them.

The majority of people who enter the medical field do so in order to help others. They commit to long hours away from their families, exposure to illness, working nights and weekends, and for many doing so at relatively low pay.
When the stuff hits the fan, they are there for us. Never was this more obvious than during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hospitals were overwhelmed. Critically ill patients were being put in beds in hallways. So many patients died that temporary morgues had to be set up in parking lots. Nurses especially showed their dedication to service. In spite of the risk that they themselves would be infected, they worked themselves nearly to death to make sure these sick patients received the care they needed. Some did get infected and some of those died as a result of their service.
When disasters strike, whether natural or man-made, doctors and nurses respond. They are there to care for victims when there is a mass shooting. They are there when hurricanes or tornadoes or floods hit.
Many of them volunteer their services in other countries where there is little or no health care. Many volunteer in areas of this country that do not have good care. They do this without asking to be paid. They do it out of a sense of duty.
Members of the health care profession deserve our respect and thanks. Don’t take them for granted.
The post Thank You, Health Care Providers appeared first on Sandweg & Ager PC.