Each year, NCQA publishes a list of measure updates, additions, and deletions for future HEDIS® measurement years. With big changes slated for the future as NCQA aims to fully transition to digital-only reporting by 2030, the public comment period allows plans the opportunity to weigh in on the relevance and feasibility of the proposed changes and ask questions of relevant stakeholders. Read our summary of NCQA’s latest proposed changes for Measurement Year (MY) 2026 as NCQA seeks feedback from health plans.
Each year, NCQA publishes a list of measure updates, additions, and deletions for future HEDIS® measurement years. With big changes slated for the future as NCQA aims to fully transition to digital-only reporting by 2030, the public comment period allows plans the opportunity to weigh in on the relevance and feasibility of the proposed changes and ask questions of relevant stakeholders.
Read our summary of NCQA’s latest proposed changes for Measurement Year (MY) 2026 as NCQA seeks feedback from health plans.