India RSS website hacked by Anonymous

8 years ago 22

Today the Hacktivist group Anonymous successfully hacked the official website based on India as cyberguerrilla website claims. Anonymous said the RSS have killed a lot of innocents people and that is the reason for this RSS Data Leak. The Anonymous wrote this text message: "RSS.ORG LEAKED! #Anonymous #CyberLeaks Hi Brothers and Sisters, there is the Leaked data from The terrorist group based on India! Download: Password is: opindia There are documents , admins informations , admins computers and more. They got explosed By Anonymous! Spread it. This hack is part of #OpIndia, more leaks is coming We are: Anonymous Ghost , Anonymous Greece, MinionGhost,  AnonGhost Philippines. Best regards, Anonymous! CyberLeaks" So, the Data Leak from RSS is public? Yes, and anyone can download it. Its a rar file from mediafire The leak contains the following files: PDF Documents from website All usernames + Last names computers ( Windows 7 and Vista ) Admin informations Anonymous also claims to hack all computers into after the data leakage. Cyber Guerrilla

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