Can you do laundry on the Camino?

a month ago 5

The Camino de Santiago is not a wilderness hike, and you can stay all along the route in Albergues or hostels just for pilgrims. You will have plenty of opportunities to do laundry on the Camino. In this article, I share what you need to know and how to keep your clothes clean. Laundry on the Camino – What you will need Nearly every Albergue will have a laundry machine and a place to hang up your clothes to dry or use a dryer machine. These are almost always coin-operated, and what I have seen will usually ask for 2 euros a load, having some coins on hand during the Camino is therefore recommended, for more reading into the financials, I invite you to read my dedicated article on the subject. Do you need Cash on the Camino? Washing powder or solution will often be provided or left there by previous pilgrims. Therefore you don’t need to carry a whole bag of washing powder with you to be able to clean your clothes. There is usually a line of pilgrims waiting to use the Laundry machine, and a shorter program or sports clothes program is recommended to speed up the process for the next in line. All your clothes should be quick drying on the Camino, and taking a big cotton hoody for example may not be the best fit. Lightweight and easy-to-dry clothing will be dry by morning in most circumstances. Stretching your clothes in between laundry For the Albergues that do not offer a laundry machine, you will often find a washing basin and a washboard attached to use for getting the worst of the sweat and grit out of your socks and underwear for example. This can be a great way to make sure your socks stay clean(er) and to keep your feet happy. Another tactic you can employ is to strap your wet or moist stuff on the outside of your backpack, like the microfiber towel pictured to the left on the Camino Frances. For further tips on gear see my Gear list for the Camino article. You could use this also clean bigger clothing items, but that is usually a bit more of a handful to wash this way. It is free to use. So for pilgrims on a tight budget, this can be a way to keep your clothes cleaner than doing nothing at all. Hikertrash solution One tactic I employed a few times and saw veteran pilgrims use was to take your close-to-skin clothing such as your underwear, socks, or t-shirt with you in the shower and scrub and wash the worst of the sweat and grit out that way. This is often looked down upon by other pilgrims, however, and therefore best to do when you have a single shower stall available to you. So in summary, fearing for no opportunity to clean your clothes on the Camino is not necessary. There will be laundry machines and washing basins to clean your clothes. Remember, being on a hike is sweaty work, so the smell of sweat and salt crystals will be on you and your clothes. Try your best to keep them clean for your health and to prevent rub spots that can get irritating. Smelling like roses is however not likely. Happy hiking and Hike for Purpose! Buen Camino

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