Fergus Quill & Django Bates, JPN dialogue #1

11 months ago 46

International Jazz Day 2024 We know that many members have activities planned to celebrate International Jazz Day and we hope they all go well! JPN considered what we could do that was a little bit different and our Vice-Chair Orphy Robinson suggested the idea of hosting on-line conversations between key UK jazz musicians with an inter-generational slant. We are proud to publish that the first of this series of JPN DIALOGUES featuring Leeds based composer, band leader and musician Fergus Quill, talking with one of the UK’s most celebrated pianists and composers Django Bates (joining from Switzerland). The discussion covers everything from their respective experiences of doing ‘bread and butter’ gigs to keep the wolf from the door- some extremely funny- to their views on the current state of music education and the recording industry. It’s a fascinating listen! We will be publicising future editions on the JPN website and via the newsletters. Fergus Quill https://fergusquill.bandcamp.com Django Bates https://www.djangobates.co.uk Jumping off points from the dialogue Django Bates (Human Chain) “New York, New York” https://open.spotify.com/track/3RdU3AEWomm8pRYwNBrtK3 Frank Zappa – Decline of the Music Industry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP4wsURn3rw Herbie Hancock “Stella by Starlight” (Third Plane 1978) – https://open.spotify.com/track/5haqzVluOgiyyvISM8SlC6 Bill Evans – Stella by Starlight (Conversations With Myself 1963 ) https://open.spotify.com/track/4dhV2eZij1EzqpivZwnxgS Charlie Parker – live at Rockland Palace – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upRIGRCcN0Q Ornette Coleman – Intro To Harmolodics – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO-RqnrLVcE Ferg’s Imaginary Big Band – https://fergusquill.bandcamp.com/album/fergs-imaginary-big-band-2 ¡Up Yours! Fergus Quill Plays Xero Slingsby – https://fergusquill.bandcamp.com/album/up-yours-fergus-quill-plays-xero-slingsby Saluting Sgt. Pepper – https://djangobates.bandcamp.com/album/saluting-sgt-pepper Delightful Precipice – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delightful_Precipice The Shags – Philosophy of the World https://open.spotify.com/track/2WhRJwrsy57H5Mm1P3lykJ Stuart Lee – https://www.stewartlee.co.uk/category/john-cage/ Charles Ives – The Unanswered Question https://open.spotify.com/track/2NhR7a45fouihE2r1XgAJU Graham Collier https://www.allaboutjazz.com/mosaics-the-life-and-works-of-graham-collier-graham-collier-by-duncan-heining Karlheinz Stockhausen “Helicopter String Quartet” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13D1YY_BvWU Django Bates, Vortex Jan 2024 – https://www.jazzwise.com/review/article/django-bates-returns-to-his-spiritual-home-for-vortex-winter-warmer-solo-shows The post Fergus Quill & Django Bates, JPN dialogue #1 first appeared on Jazz Promotion Network.

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