Ivar Grimstad: Hashtag Jakarta EE #227

8 months ago 103

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE! It is May already! It feels like 2024 is just flying by. Those of you following these updates the last couple of weeks may have noticed a fair amount of specifications lingering in the “About to start” state. There are several reasons for this. Some of them are missing some tiny details requested by the Specification Committee member responsible for starting the review thread (aka “The Mentor“). These tiny details are mostly concerning discrepancies around the checksum of the promoted TCK. It is a puzzle to assemble all the information, and that is exactly why we introduced the mentoring role of the specification committee. The current state is that six specifications are done, one is in its release review, one will start its release review tomorrow, and the rest is (hopefully) soon to follow. Done:– Jakarta Annotations 3.0– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0– Jakarta Validation 3.1 In progress:– Jakarta Authorization 3.0 About to start:– Jakarta Authentication 3.1– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1– Jakarta Pages 4.0– Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (starting tomorrow)– Jakarta Servlet 6.1– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2 (will be restarted shortly) Next up:– Jakarta Data 1.0– Jakarta Faces 4.1– Jakarta Security 4.0 I am happy to announce that I will go on a JUG Tour in September this year as well. This time, I will be touring the Southern US with visits to Triangle JUG, JaxJUG, JavaMUG, and Gateway JUG before winding down with the Jalapeño unconference in Puerto Vallarta .

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