J. Gary Sparks

one year ago 1

Photo courtesy of J. Gary Sparks J. Gary Sparks is a Zürich-trained Jungian analyst and author in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, a Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling from the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology (the degree of a Jungian Analyst) from the C.G. Jung Institute Zürich. His thesis advisor was Jung’s closest student and collaborator, Marie-Louise von Franz, Ph.D. and his training analysts included Jung’s grandson, Dieter Baumann, M.D. and Jung’s close friend and confidante, C.A. Meier, M.D. Mr. Sparks has been a lecturer and seminar presenter at the C.G. Jung Foundation of Ontario, Canada and a teacher for the analyst training program at the Research & Training Centre for Depth Psychology According to C.G. Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz in Zürich. He has also enjoyed presenting online to the Cambridge Jungian Circle and for the new Jung at Heart certificate program for non-clinicians offered by the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. He maintains two websites – jgsparks.net and jungandpauli.net – filled audio recordings, notes, and study guides. EPISODES Gary has made five appearances on Speaking of Jung. The first three centered around his titles published by Inner City Books: ▪️Episode 2 ~ Sept. 8, 2015 ~ At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity & Jung’s Spiritual Testament ▪️Episode 28 ~ Sept. 27, 2017 ~ Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number & Time with Marie-Louise von Franz ▪️Episode 35 ~ Jun. 19, 2018 ~ Carl Jung & Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work The fourth episode was on Vol. 7 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz (a special interest of Gary’s) Aurora Consurgens. ▪️Episode 114 (video interview) ~ Sept. 28, 2022 ~ Aurora Consurgens: A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy – A Companion Work to C.G. Jung’s Mysterium Coniunctionis And our latest episode was on his new book, the first title published by Inner City Books since the passing of its founder and editor Daryl Sharp: ▪️Episode 119 (video interview) ~ Mar. 1, 2023 ~ The Call of Destiny: An Introduction to Carl Jung’s Major Works 🔴 All episodes are available on our YouTube Channel. In addition to his five books, Mr. Sparks is the editor of Edward Edinger’s Ego & Self: The Old Testament Prophets, and co-editor with Daryl Sharp of Edinger’s Science of the Soul: A Jungian Perspective. BOOK LINKS All of Mr. Sparks’ books can be purchased directly from their publisher, Inner City Books, who ships worldwide. His books are also available from Amazon. Links are below. Ego & Self: The Old Testament Prophets – From Isaiah to Malachi (2000) Science of the Soul: A Jungian Perspective (2002) At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity & Jung's Spiritual Testament (2007) Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number & Time with Marie-Louise von Franz (2010) The Sparks Bundle At the Heart of Matter and Valley of Diamonds (2016) Carl Jung & Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work (2017) The Call of Destiny: An Introduction to Carl Jung’s Major Works (2023) BLOG POSTS Sparks ~ Quotes from Episode 35 Candid Times with J. Gary Sparks ~ From our visit together in 2015 VIDEOS Speaking of Jung, Ep. 119 ~ Our latest video interview Speaking of Jung, Ep. 114 ~ Our first video interview How Daryl Saved Gary’s Life ~ Filmed by Laura London in 2015 Jung & Freud Action Figures ~ Also filmed by Laura in 2015 As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

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