These days everyone is searching on Pinterest for the best DIY project out there. We like to be more hands on and if we make extra time...
These days everyone is searching on Pinterest for the best DIY project out there. We like to be more hands on and if we make extra time in our busy lives, we can save a few bucks creating what we hope becomes a masterpiece. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Especially when you should hire an experienced professional landscape lighting contractor. Here are the top five reasons why you should hire a professional instead of doing the work yourself.
1. Professionals Use Professional Grade Systems
As a homeowner, you have probably trotted down the landscape lighting aisle at your local retail hardware store. You've looked at the number of landscape lighting kits that includes flood lights, wire connectors, a power pack, timer and what seems like enough cable to get you through your DIY. What you don't realize is that this bargain kit that seems to have everything you need is missing something very important - High Quality Lighting.
Unlike plastic or metal kit lighting, a professional grade system is made up of architectural grade components engineered to be specific and installed by an experienced professional. You'll get the effects you're looking for that cannot be performed with the landscape lighting kit you found at the local retail hardware store.

2. Workmanship and Warranties Improper installation nullifies most manufacturer's warranties. You may have a great amount of confidence that you know exactly what you're doing, but because you're not an experienced licensed contractor, there is no guarantee or warranty if something goes wrong down the line. This could cost you as the homeowner much more money down the line. San Diego Outdoor Lighting guarantees a year warranty on all work completed on your property.
3. Tools and Materials
You may have a ladder and garden rake stowed away in your tool shed/garage, but do you have everything else you'll need to finish installing your landscape lights? Probably not. This leaves you with an additional decision of purchasing more tools that you may never need or use again. There is nothing worse than starting a job and having to pause to go to the hardware store because you need additional tools/materials. This doesn't only increase your expenses, but your frustration level as well. San Diego Outdoor Lighting will have all the necessary tools and materials needed for the job resulting in a completed project finished in a timely manner.
4. Elements to Consider
There are many elements to consider when purchasing a landscape lighting system. Design layout, voltage drop, maintenance contracts – just to name a few. These important factors make a big difference in your installation and life of your system. Remember this is an investment in your home and you will want to consider these things when making your decision.
5. Safety and Lack of Expertise
Unless you know the location of all underground wires and pipes, you risk damaging important aspects of your property resulting in more expenses. You can create possible sprinkler line breaks if you do not know what you are doing as you attempt to install yourself without a professional.
San Diego Outdoor Lighting respects your design and your opinion. We are here to bring your vision to life while you relax in the safety of your home. Your time and money is valuable which is why leaving it to our professional team will be the best option for you as the homeowner.
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858-733-0968 | [email protected]