Cataloger's Reference Directory: Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians

3 days ago 12

100+ Most Important Cataloging Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians and Catalogers. Cataloger's Reference Directory is a collection of top free and paid cataloging and bibliographic metadata resources. It includes sources for descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control, classification, subject headings, subject indexing, and metadata description.   A   AACR2 (ANGLO-AMERICAN CATALOGUING RULES) AACR2: Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (Home Page of Anglo American Cataloging Rules) [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop] AAT: Art & Architecture Thesaurus (Getty Institute) ALA-LC Romanization Tables AMIM: ARCHIVING MOVING IMAGE MATERIALS AMIM: Archiving Moving Image Materials AMIM: Archiving Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop] AMIM: Archiving Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop]   B   BC Geographical Names (BC Integrated Land Management Bureau) Beyond Bookmarks: Schemes for Organizing the Web BIBFRAME BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative (Library of Congress) BIBFRAME Training at the Library of Congress - It is a community initiative with the following initial objectives: The creation of a reference mapping from BIBFRAME 2.0† to The development and sharing of reference software implementation(s) to: Enrich BIBFRAME data with Terms, Create terms from BIBFRAME 2.0 data   C   Cartographic Materials: A Manual of Interpretation of AACR2, 2002 Revision, Second Edition plus 2004 Update [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop] Cataloger's Desktop Cataloger's Desktop Tutorial Cataloging CalculatorCataloguing Code of Ethics (Final Version - January 2021) - At the request of their membership and for the benefit of all staff creating, sharing, enriching & maintaining metadata, the cataloguing communities of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are tasked with compiling a Code of Ethics for Cataloguers. It will be a dynamic document embodying the collective experiences and wisdom of our community of practice and will consist of a framework, with guidance and examples of best practice, which can be shared across the cataloguing community. The Code will be a collaborative and inclusive project managed by a Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee directing a number of Working Groups consisting of individuals drawn from diverse geographical, ethnic and library sectors. Cataloging Electronic Resources (OCLC) Cataloging FAQ Cooperative Cataloging Rules Cataloging Resources - Troublesome Catalogers and Magical Metadata Fairies (Facebook Group)   D   DACS : Describing Archives: a Content Standard DACS : Describing Archives: a Content Standard[Wikipedia] DATABASES : Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog DCMI: DUBLIN CORE METADATA INITIATIVE DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DDC: DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Dewey Decimal Classification / Linked Data ( is an experimental space for linked DDC data. The intention of the prototype is to be a platform for Dewey data on the Web) Digital Libraries : Metadata Resources (IFLA) Web Dewey (Login) Web Dewey (About Web Version of DDC)   E   EAD : Encoded Archival Description eCataloger [The eCataloger application provides cataloging utilities to create an eLibrary for an individual or small organization. The research goal of eCataloger is on creating semantic services for artifacts. It uses the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) framework to model the records using data elements and concepts from the MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), MARC, and other current and developing cataloging and metadata standards. By using FRBR as the descriptive framework, an overarching goal of the eCataloger is realized by being able to produce valid and well-formed MODS and MARC xml documents for interchange with existing and legacy library electronic systems] European Library Catalogs (Association of College and Research Libraries) European RDA Interest Group (Documents and Presentations)   F   FRAD: FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTHORITY DATA FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data (Wikipedia) FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data – A Conceptual Model FRBR: FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (Wikipedia) FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records What is FRBR: A Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Universe   G   Gateway to Library Catalogs - Z39.50 (Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Page for gateway access to LC's catalog and those at many other institutions) Geographic Cutter Numbers Geographic Cutter Numbers -- US and Canada GEOnet Names Server (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) Glossary (National Agricultural Library) Gregorian Hijri Dates Converter (IslamiCity) Guide to Cataloging Playaway Devices Based on AACR2 Chapter 6 and 9   H   Handbook of Examples For Use in Authority Records IASA Cataloguing Rules (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives) ICP: STATEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL CATALOGING PRINCIPLES ICP: Statement of International Cataloging Principles (IFLA-2009)   I   IFLA LIBRARY REFERENCE MODEL IFLA Library Reference Model: A Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information - Definition of a conceptual reference model to provide a framework for the analysis of non-administrative metadata relating to library resources ISBD: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description (IFLA) ISBD Outline ISSN Online Portal   J     K   Knowledge Structures Toolbox   L   LC Authorities (Library of Congress Authorities) LC : Bibliographic Future LC : Catalogers Learning Workshop : Freely available cataloging and metadata training materials (Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) provides information professionals training resources related to the organization and classification of bibliographic information) LC : Catalogers Learning Workshop : Serials Cataloging : SCCTP Workshop Materials The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > SACO > PSD Summary of Decisions from the Editorial Meeting CONSER Standard Record (CSR)  (RDA CONSER Standard Record (2014)  RDA CONSER Standard Record (Word 168 KB) (2014)  Core elements and cataloging checklist (2012): CONSER RDA core elements (Word 191 KB)  CONSER MARC 21 to RDA core elements (Word 198 KB)  CONSER RDA Cataloging Checklist (Word 99 KB) LCC: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CLASSIFICATION LC Classification : About LCC LC Classification Outline LC Classification : PDF Files from Library of Congress LC Classification : Library of Congress Classification and Shelflisting Manual (CSM) PDF Files from Library of Congress F 010   General Principles of Classification (PDF, 106 KB) F 050   Classification Proposals (PDF, 1.3 MB)  REVISED July 2014 F 060   Filing Rules (PDF, 106 KB) F 130   Alternate Class Numbers: Analytics in Collected Sets (PDF, 141 KB) F 150   Alternate Class Numbers: Bibliography (PDF, 146 KB) F 170   Call Number Changes (PDF, 146 KB) F 175   Editions (PDF, 109 KB) F 180   Reserved Class Numbers (PDF, 76 KB) F 185   Obsolete Class Numbers (PDF, 99 KB) F 195   Subarrangement Within Disciplines (PDF, 148 KB) F 210   Periodicals and Serials (PDF, 129 KB) F 220   Periodicals: ".A" Cutters (PDF, 94 KB) F 225   Societies (PDF, 114 KB) F 230   Yearbooks (PDF, 94 KB) F 240   Congresses (PDF, 123 KB) F 250   Collected Works (Nonserial) (PDF, 112 KB) F 275   Biography (PDF, 148 KB) F 280   General Works (PDF, 126 KB) F 290   General Special (PDF, 103 KB) F 300   Addresses, Essays, Lectures (PDF, 106 KB) F 320   Classification and Time Periods (PDF, 119 KB) F 350   Cutter Numbers: Topical Cutters (PDF, 128 KB) F 430   Cuttering by Region or Country, A-Z (PDF, 157 KB) F 440   Providing Classification Information for Shelflisting (PDF, 141 KB) F 475   Abridgments of Individual Works (PDF, 120 KB) F 480   Abstracts (PDF, 121 KB) F 495   Archival Inventories and Manuscript Catalogs (PDF, 118 KB) F 520   Bound-with and Upside-down Books (PDF, 95 KB) F 550   City Regions and Metropolitan Areas (PDF, 109 KB) F 560   Cartographic Materials (PDF, 112 KB) F 565   Comic Books and Graphic Novels (PDF, 130 KB) F 570   Commentaries on Individual Works (PDF, 100 KB) F 582   Discographies (PDF, 112 KB) F 585   Dissertations and Theses (PDF, 94 KB) F 587   Ethnic Groups (PDF, 109 KB) F 590   Folklore and Folk Literature (PDF, 122 KB) F 592   Foreign Relations (PDF, 132 KB) F 595   Historic Preservation (PDF, 105 KB) F 600   Genealogy (PDF, 106 KB) F 603   Government Documents (PDF, 122 KB) F 605   Government Officials' Biographies, Speeches, and Papers (PDF, 102 KB) F 610   Indexes (PDF, 97 KB) F 615   Juvenile Materials (PDF, 132 KB) F 618   Legislative Hearings and Reports (PDF, 98 KB) F 620   Library of Congress Publications (PDF, 102 KB) F 630   Library and Archival Resources (PDF, 111 KB) F 632   Literary Authors (PDF, 194 KB) F 633   Literary Authors: Subarrangement of Works (PDF, 161 KB) F 634   Literary Collections (PDF, 138 KB) F 635   Local Court Records (PDF, 101 KB) F 650   Microforms (PDF, 108 KB) F 710   Software (PDF, 105 KB) F 720   Supplementary Works (PDF, 134 KB) F 730   Teaching of Particular Subjects (PDF, 109 KB) F 750   Washington (D.C.) (PDF, 127 KB) G 053   Determining the Call Number (PDF, 105 KB) G 055   Call Numbers (PDF, 138 KB) G 058   Interpreting the Classification Schedules (PDF, 218 KB) G 063   Cutter Numbers (PDF, 172 KB) G 065   Preferred Shelflist Order (PDF, 132 KB) G 070   Input of LC Call Numbers/Copy Statements (050/051 Fields) (PDF, 146 KB) G 100   Filing Rules (PDF, 187 KB) G 140   Dates (PDF, 169 KB) G 145   Editions (PDF, 121 KB) G 150   Translations/Texts in Parallel Languages (PDF, 191 KB) G 155   Supplementary Works (PDF, 146 KB) G 180   Non-Literary Compilations (PDF, 121 KB) G 220   Corporate Bodies (PDF, 183 KB) G 230   Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, Etc. (PDF, 165 KB) G 240   Societies (PDF, 134 KB) G 300   Regions and Countries Table (PDF, 62 KB)  REVISED June 2014 G 302   U.S. States and Canadian Provinces (PDF, 129 KB) G 320   Biography (PDF, 170 KB) G 330   Artists (PDF, 129 KB) G 340   Criticism/Commentaries (PDF, 27 KB)  REVISED June 2014 G 350   Title Work Letters in Subclass PZ (PDF, 131 KB) G 605   LC-Specific Information (PDF, 108 KB) G 610   Basic Shelflisting Procedures (PDF, 156 KB) G 615   Designations for Volume, Part, Etc. (PDF, 106 KB) G 620   Assignment/Location of Materials (PDF, 165 KB) Summary Guidelines for selection General Collections Materials for Special Format Materials (SPEC MAT) collection. Approved by Nadal 2022 12 27       Based on the following documents: -        LCR 2-410: Custody of Materials in the Library of Congress – this document defines what Custody of materials means. It identifies CMD as Custodial of the General Collections.   -        G620 from Cataloguing Notebook on line – this document contains the ABA guidelines for processing Spec Mat Materials.   Background: Special Format Materials (SPEC MAT) collections are materials that cannot be handled or stored easily on shelves and/or are too vulnerable by reason of fragility or value to be served in General Collection Reading Rooms. Spec Mat items must be served in a reading room where additional security is available, currently the Adams Reading Room.   All SPEC MAT materials will be evaluated by Conservation Division and rehoused by CD as needed.   The following categories constitute a Spec Mat item:   Books containing items that are NOT attached such as buttons, puzzle pieces, compasses, a doll, piece of jewelry, non paper item(s) in a firmly attached pocket (such as a ruler or 3D glasses) Books that have complex or extensive fold-outs (e.g. leaves with more than one fold in them, or any volumes with multiple fold outs) Movable ’pop-up’ or ‘lift-the-flap’ books Accordion-folded pages that are not attached to the spine Any items containing unbound plates, ie. plates in a portfolio Boxed sets  (with multiple loose items within the case) 3-ring binders or any binder that opens such that pages can come loose Miniature books, i.e. books that are 5 inches (13 cm) or less in height and/or width.   The following categories DO NOT constitute a Spec Mat item:   1.     Books with attached items such as securely glued photographs, chains, metal cut-outs, etc. 2.     Books with a firmly attached pocket containing paper items such as maps or other printed material, excluding plates 3.     Books with 1 fold out that only has one fold in it (aka simple fold out) Books with a spiral binding, covered or uncovered 5.     Books with non-printed media (CD’s, DVD’s) 6.     Books made of non-paper materials (plastic, wood, cloth) Books with fuzzy/furry/sandpaper/texture covers, sides or pages Books with sections of the pages cut or punched out (Cut-out books) Books with shifting and changing pictures (holograms, etc.) G 622   Assignment/Location of Materials: Asian and AMED (PDF, 165 KB) G 630   Reference Assignments (PDF, 101 KB) G 640   Forwarding Items to the Dewey Section (PDF, 112 KB) G 660   Historical and Obsolete Legends and Symbols (PDF, 161 KB) G 670   Shelflist Information Card (SLIC) (PDF, 181 KB) G 750   Law and Legal Materials: General (PDF, 146 KB) G 760   Law and Legal Materials: Superseded Materials (PDF, 74 KB) G 800   Music Materials (PDF, 187 KB) G 810   Rare Materials (PDF, 142 KB) ILS Locations Authority File [On LC staff intranet only] - The Locations Authority File (LAF) lists locations and sublocations valid for use in LC Online Catalog records. Note: Take this as alternative for "Table of Abbreviations to be Used for Asian Languages". LC Classification Web (Library of Congress Classification) Classification Web [Navigating in the Classification Web] (Classification Web provides catalogers with online full-text display of all Library of Congress classification schedules--including G class geographic cutters, and complete Library of Congress subject headings. Correlations among LC classification numbers, LC subject headings and Dewey classification numbers are also readily available. In this Quick Tip, designed and developed by Library of Congress's Instructional Design and Training Division for the Cataloging Distribution Service, you will learn how toNavigate in Classification Web in 3-4 minutes.) LC Classification Web Tutorial  LC Classification Proposal Menu (Library of Congress Classification) Fundamentals of Library of Congress Classification (LC training materials) LC Collection Level Cataloging (CLC)  LC DCM : Descriptive Cataloging Manual (The DCM is an in-house manual containing the procedures followed by catalogers at the Library of Congress. The chapters that related to the establishment of name and series authority records, however, are used by CONSER members and other participating in cooperative programs.) [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop] LC DCM : Descriptive Cataloging Manual Section Z1 and LC Guidelines Supplement to MARC 21 Format for Authority Data Link to DCM Z1 (PDF, 1.38 MB) Link to LC Guidelines Supplement (PDF, 1.17 MB) LC DCM : LC DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING MANUAL (The LC Local Bibliographic Record and Local Data Fields - Elements in the LC Local Bibliographic Record for Monographs and Integrating Resources) LC DCM - List of the Library of Congress Descriptive Cataloging Manual PDF FilesLC DCM - Undifferentiated Personal Names - guidelines [2020-02-14] LC Documentation for the RDA Test LC Filing Rules LC Filing Rules [Complete rules available through Cataloger's Desktop] LC Online Catalog LCPS: LC Policy Statements LCRI: LC Rule Interpretations LCSH: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SUBJECT HEADINGS LCSH : Introduction to Library of Congress Subject Headings LCSH : This page provides print-ready PDF files from the 34th Edition of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). LCSH : Search Library of Congress Subject Headings LCSH : Free-floating Subdivisions : Introduction to Free-floating Subdivisions LCSH : Free-floating Subdivisions LCSH : Library of Congress Subject Headings: Online Training LCSH : Basic Subject Cataloging Using LCSH (LC training materials)LCSH :  Topical Heading Proposal Checklist - This checklist aligns with the Topical Heading Proposal form in Classification Web Plus and was created to account for the common issues in subject proposals. It does not account for all considerations for all types of subject proposals, and it may include considerations not relevant to all proposals. LCSH : Subject Heading Manual (SHM) : About the Subject Headings Manual PDF Files LCSH : Subject Heading Manual (SHM) : List of the Subject Headings Manual PDF Files H 0000 H 0040   Library of Congress Subject Authority Records (PDF, 137 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0080   Order of Subject Headings (PDF, 20 KB) H 0100 H 0150   Partial Title Added Entries (PDF, 21 KB) H 0160   Uncontrolled Subject Terms in the 653 Field (PDF, 42 KB) H 0165   Subject Heading Changes in Bibliographic Records (PDF, 41 KB) H 0170   CONSER & BIBCO Standard Records (PDF, 131 KB) H 0175   Editions (PDF, 21 KB) H 0178   Serials (PDF, 20 KB) H 0180   Assigning and Constructing Subject Headings (PDF, 62 KB) H 180 Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) : Assigning and Constructing [Librarianship Studies] H 0181   Arabic/Persian Subject Headings (PDF, 61 KB) H 0182   Chinese/Japanese/Korean Subject Headings (PDF, 40 KB) H 0184   Subject Headings Identical to Descriptive Access Points (PDF, 23 KB) H 0187   When to Establish a New Topical Heading (PDF, 19 KB) H 0193   Changing a Heading or Deleting a Subject Authority Record (PDF, 178 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0193.5   Deleted Heading Information (PDF, 29 KB)  REVISED April 2015 H 0194   Providing for Geographic Subdivision of Existing Subject Headings (PDF, 40 KB) H 0195   Changing References in Subject Authority Records (PDF, 31 KB) H 0196   Changing Class Numbers in Subject Authority Records (PDF, 21 KB) H 0200 H 0200   Preparation of Subject Heading Proposals (PDF, 106 KB)  REVISED February 2015 H 0202   Authority Research for Subject Heading Proposals (PDF, 71 KB) H 0203   Citation of Sources (PDF, 216 KB) H 0205   Establishing New Subdivisions Having General Application (PDF, 22 KB) H 0250   Music Heading Authority Records (PDF, 213 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0285   Singular vs. Plural Forms in Subject Headings (PDF, 24 KB) H 0290   Articles in the Initial Position (PDF, 24 KB) H 0300 H 0306   Natural Language in Topical Subject Headings (PDF, 48 KB) H 0310   [ . . . ] and [ . . . ]Headings (PDF, 57 KB) H 0315   Foreign Terms (PDF, 20 KB) H 0320   Headings Qualified by Nationality, Ethnic Group, Language, etc. (PDF, 38 KB) H 0350   Nationality Designation of Classes of Persons (PDF, 168 KB) H 0351   Ethnic Qualifiers (PDF, 29 KB) H 0357   Parenthetical Qualifiers in Subject Headings (PDF, 49 KB) H 0360   [ . . . ] as [ . . . ]Headings (PDF, 43 KB) H 0362   Free-Floating Terms and Phrases (PDF, 53 KB) H 0364   Authorization for Geographic Subdivision (PDF, 170 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0365   Library of Congress Classification Numbers in Subject Authority Records(PDF, 33 KB) H 0370   Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, and Related Terms (PDF, 101 KB) H 0371   General See Also References (PDF, 80 KB) H 0373   "Used for" References (PDF, 76 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 0374   General See References (PDF, 27 KB) H 0375   [Topic]C[Place] Broader Term References (PDF, 23 KB) H 0400 H 0400   Scope Notes (PDF, 38 KB) H 0405   Establishing Certain Entities in the Name or Subject Authority File (PDF, 55 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 0430   Name Headings as Subjects (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0432   Subject Usage Information in Name Authority Records (PDF, 20 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 0436   Provisional Name Headings (PDF, 39 KB) H 0460   Name Changes in Non-Jurisdictional Corporate Bodies (PDF, 41 KB) H 0475   Subdividing Corporate Name Headings by Place (PDF, 144 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0600 H 0620   Chronological Headings and Subdivision (PDF, 67 KB) H 0690   Formulating Geographic Headings (PDF, 66 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 0700 H 0708   Linear Jurisdictional Name Changes in Name Authority Records (PDF, 129 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0710   Jurisdictional Mergers and Splits (PDF, 28 KB) H 0713   First Order Political Divisions of Countries (PDF, 30 KB) H 0715   Extinct Cities (PDF, 167 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0720   City Sections (PDF, 121 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0760   Geographic Regions (PDF, 164 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0790   Areas Associated with Cities (PDF, 54 KB) H 0800 H 0800   Rivers, Valleys, Watersheds, etc. (PDF, 57 KB)  REVISED May 2015 H 0807   Islands (PDF, 173 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0810   Qualification of Geographic Headings (PDF, 57 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 0830   Geographic Subdivision (PDF, 215 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0832   Geographic Subdivision to the City Level (PDF, 32 KB) H 0835   Geographic Subdivision Information in Name Authority Records (PDF, 29 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 0836   Geographic Subdivision Information in Subject Authority Records (PDF, 35 KB) H 0860   Subdivisions Further Subdivided by Place (PDF, 48 KB) H 0870   Interposition of Geographic Subdivisions (PDF, 167 KB) H 0900 H 0910   Place as a Theme in Art, Literature, Motion Pictures, etc. (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0925   China and Taiwan (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 0928   Congo (PDF, 48 KB) H 0945   Germany (PDF, 28 KB) H 0955   Great Britain (PDF, 53 KB) H 0975   Hawaii (PDF, 43 KB) H 0978   Hong Kong (PDF, 36 KB) H 0980   Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights, West Bank, and Palestine (PDF, 41 KB) H 0985   Latin America (PDF, 138 KB) H 0987   Malaysia and Malaya (PDF, 46 KB) H 0990   New York (N.Y.) (PDF, 26 KB) H 1000 H 1023   Soviet Union (PDF, 38 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 1045   Vatican City (PDF, 32 KB) H 1050   Washington (D.C.) (PDF, 39 KB) H 1055   Yugoslavia (PDF, 20 KB)  REVISED May 2015 H 1075   Subdivisions (PDF, 64 KB) H 1078   Dates in Subdivisions for Specific Events (PDF, 27 KB) H 1090   Multiple Subdivisions (PDF, 49 KB) H 1095   Free-floating subdivisions (PDF, 240 KB)  REVISED April 2015 H 1100 H 1100   Classes of Persons (PDF, 93 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 1103   Ethnic Groups (PDF, 63 KB)  REVISED November 2014 H 1105   Corporate Bodies (PDF, 157 KB) H 1110   Names of Persons (PDF, 118 KB)  REVISED April 2015 H 1120   Names of Families (PDF, 27 KB) H 1140   Names of Places (PDF, 178 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1145.5   Bodies of Water (PDF, 32 KB) H 1146   Subdivisions Controlled by Pattern Headings (PDF, 172 KB) H 1147   Animals (PDF, 49 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 1148   Art (PDF, 40 KB) H 1149   Chemicals (PDF, 47 KB) H 1149.5   Colonies (PDF, 27 KB) H 1150   Diseases (PDF, 42 KB) H 1151   Individual Educational Institutions (PDF, 138 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1151.5   Types of Educational Institutions (PDF, 35 KB) H 1153   Industries (PDF, 42 KB) H 1154   Languages (PDF, 182 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1154.5   Legal Topics (PDF, 33 KB) H 1155   Legislative Bodies (PDF, 34 KB) H 1155.2   Groups of Literary Authors (PDF, 24 KB) H 1155.6   Literary Works Entered Under Author (PDF, 39 KB) H 1155.8   Literary Works Entered Under Title (PDF, 137 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1156   Literatures (PDF, 50 KB)  REVISED May 2015 H 1158   Materials (PDF, 31 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 1159   Military Services (PDF, 76 KB) H 1160   Musical Compositions (PDF, 56 KB)  REVISED September 2014 H 1161   Musical Instruments (PDF, 48 KB) H 1164   Organs and Regions of the Body (PDF, 50 KB) H 1180   Plants and Crops (PDF, 58 KB)  REVISED November 2014 H 1185   Religions (PDF, 31 KB) H 1186   Religious and Monastic Orders (PDF, 24 KB) H 1187   Christian Denominations (PDF, 33 KB) H 1188   Sacred Works (PDF, 170 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1195   Land Vehicles (PDF, 40 KB)  REVISED February 2015 H 1200 H 1200   Wars (PDF, 58 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1205   Abstracts (PDF, 25 KB) H 1206.5   Acronyms (PDF, 37 KB) H 1210   Addresses, Essays, Lectures (PDF, 21 KB) H 1210.5   Aerial and Space Photography (PDF, 25 KB) H 1211   Airports (PDF, 25 KB) H 1223   Arabs (PDF, 18 KB) H 1225   Archaeological Works (PDF, 64 KB) H 1230   Archives and Archival Resources (PDF, 143 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1250   Art and Fine Art (PDF, 92 KB) H 1255   Artistic Photography (PDF, 49 KB) H 1265   Awards (PDF, 155 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1285   Battles (PDF, 162 KB) H 1295   Bible: Special Topics (PDF, 159 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1300 H 1300   Bible and Other Sacred Works (PDF, 150 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1322   Bibliographies about Individual Persons (PDF, 30 KB) H 1325   Bibliography of Bibliographies (PDF, 35 KB) H 1328   Bio-bibliography (PDF, 32 KB) H 1330   Biography (PDF, 172 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1332   Biological Names (PDF, 51 KB)  REVISED February 2015 H 1333   Books and Reading (PDF, 46 KB) H 1333.5   Boundaries (PDF, 37 KB) H 1334   Buildings and Other Structures (PDF, 253 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1334.5   Buildings and Structures in Cities: Assignment of Headings (PDF, 40 KB) H 1350   Case Studies and Cases (PDF, 32 KB) H 1360   Catalogs (PDF, 30 KB) H 1361   Catalogs of Library Materials (PDF, 65 KB) H 1365   Cemeteries (PDF, 126 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1366   Census (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1366.5   Choreographic Works (PDF, 87 KB)  NEW April 2015 H 1367   Chronology (PDF, 153 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1370   Civilization (PDF, 58 KB) H 1400 H 1412   Classical and Ancient Workss (PDF, 32 KB) H 1425   Collected Works and Collections (PDF, 26 KB) H 1427   Collections of Objects (PDF, 173 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1430   Comics and Comic Characters (PDF, 176 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1435   Commentaries on Individual Works (PDF, 181 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1438   Composers and Works about Music of Individual Composers (PDF, 154 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1460   Congresses (PDF, 39 KB) H 1465   Constitutions (PDF, 41 KB) H 1468   Contracts (PDF, 25 KB) H 1472   Controversial Literature (PDF, 138 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1475   Cooking and Cookbooks (PDF, 65 KB) H 1480   Correspondence of Individual Persons (PDF, 58 KB) H 1500 H 1510   Cross-Cultural Studies (PDF, 36 KB) H 1520   Databases (PDF, 65 KB) H 1530   Description and Travel (PDF, 41 KB) H 1532   Design and Construction (PDF, 21 KB) H 1538   Diaries (PDF, 33 KB) H 1540   Dictionaries (PDF, 195 KB) H 1550   Digests (PDF, 34 KB) H 1558   Directories (PDF, 50 KB) H 1560   Disasters, Riots, Demonstrations, etc. (PDF, 67 KB) H 1564   Discovery and Exploration (PDF, 48 KB) H 1570   Dissertations and Theses (PDF, 43 KB) H 1572   Dwellings with Extensive Grounds (PDF, 146 KB)  NEW September 2013 H 1574   Dynasties, Royal Houses, etc. (PDF, 167 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1576   Early Works (PDF, 49 KB) H 1578   Economic Conditions (PDF, 43 KB) H 1579   Education (PDF, 50 KB) H 1580   Effect of One Topic on Another (PDF, 31 KB) H 1580.5   Electronic Serials (PDF, 40 KB) H 1581   Emigration and Immigration (PDF, 53 KB) H 1591   Evaluation (PDF, 44 KB) H 1592   Events (PDF, 231 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1593   Exhibitions (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1595   Facsimiles (PDF, 138 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1600 H 1600   Festschriften (PDF, 21 KB) H 1610   Fictitious Characters (PDF, 31 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1624   Finance (PDF, 29 KB) H 1627   Folklore (PDF, 190 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1628   Forecasting (PDF, 46 KB) H 1629   Foreign Relations (PDF, 148 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1630   Gazetteers (PDF, 24 KB) H 1631   Genealogy and Family Names (PDF, 186 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1635   Gods and Mythological Figures (PDF, 52 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1636   Gods of Greek and Roman Mythology (PDF, 85 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1642   Government Policy (PDF, 141 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1643   Government Publications (PDF, 39 KB) H 1645   Guidebooks (PDF, 49 KB) H 1646   Handbooks, Manuals, etc. (PDF, 37 KB) H 1647   History (PDF, 45 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1659   Illustrations (PDF, 153 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1660   Imprints (PDF, 38 KB) H 1670   Indexes (PDF, 48 KB) H 1673   Industries Based on Products (PDF, 38 KB) H 1675   Influence of One Topic on Another (PDF, 52 KB) H 1675.5   Information Services (PDF, 36 KB) H 1676   Inquisition (PDF, 129 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1676.5   Inspection (PDF, 23 KB) H 1678   Interviews (PDF, 32 KB) H 1680   Islam (PDF, 23 KB) H 1690   Juvenile Materials (PDF, 4143 KB) H 1700 H 1705   Legal Materials: Law and Legislation and Other Subdivisions (PDF, 17 KB)  REVISED January 2014 H 1710   Legal Materials: Legal Research (PDF, 26 KB) H 1715   Legal Materials: Legislation (PDF, 147 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1718   Legal Materials: Systems of Law (PDF, 35 KB) H 1720   Legends and Stories about Animals (PDF, 142 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1775   Literature: General (PDF, 152 KB) H 1780   Literature: Drama (PDF, 153 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1790   Literature: Fiction (PDF, 52 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1795   Literature: Legends and Romances (PDF, 56 KB)  REVISED June 2014 H 1800 H 1800   Literature: Poetry (PDF, 45 KB) H 1828   Literature from One Place in Multiple Languages (PDF, 37 KB) H 1845   Local History and Genealogical Source Materials (PDF, 50 KB) H 1848   Longitudinal Studies (PDF, 33 KB) H 1855   Manuscripts (PDF, 223 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1865   Maps and Atlases (PDF, 29 KB) H 1870   Marketing (PDF, 22 KB) H 1890   Mental Health and Mental Health Services (PDF, 33 KB) H 1893   Microforms (PDF, 21 KB) H 1895   Miniature Books (PDF, 37 KB) H 1900 H 1910   Miscellanea (PDF, 32 KB) H 1913   Moving Image Genre/Form Terms (PDF, 40 KB) H 1916   Museums (PDF, 138 KB) H 1916.3   Music: General (PDF, 75 KB) H 1916.5   Music: Jazz and Popular Music (PDF, 35 KB) H 1917   Music of Ethnic, National, and Religious Groups (PDF, 76 KB) H 1917.5   Music Form/Genre Headings: Medium of Performance (PDF, 324 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1918   Musical Instruments (PDF, 71 KB) H 1919   Name and Names (PDF, 28 KB) H 1919.5   Nationalities (PDF, 59 KB) H 1920   Newspapers on Special Topics and Ethnic Newspapers (PDF, 33 KB) H 1925   Parks, Reserves, National Monuments, etc. (PDF, 201 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1927   Periodicals (PDF, 136 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1928   Personal Narratives (PDF, 51 KB) H 1929   Philosophy (PDF, 23 KB) H 1935   Pictorial Works (PDF, 47 KB) H 1942   Politics and Government (PDF, 163 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1943.5   Popular Works (PDF, 39 KB) H 1945   Postage Stamps on Specific Topics (PDF, 47 KB) H 1945.5   Posters (PDF, 40 KB) H 1949   Professional Ethics (PDF, 23 KB) H 1955   Public Opinion (PDF, 38 KB) H 1965   Publishers' Catalogs (PDF, 32 KB) H 1969   Quotations and Maxims (PDF, 41 KB) H 1969.5   Radio Genre/Form Terms (PDF, 162 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1970   Railroads (PDF, 141 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1975   Readers (PDF, 39 KB) H 1980   Reference Books (PDF, 46 KB) H 1995   Regimental Histories (PDF, 135 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1996   Relations and Military Relations (PDF, 24 KB) H 1997   Religion (PDF, 158 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 1998   Religious Aspects of Topics (PDF, 62 KB) H 2000 H 2015   Religious Denominations or Religions as Subdivisions (PDF, 51 KB) H 2015.5   Religious Life (PDF, 31 KB) H 2016   Religious Life and Customs (PDF, 26 KB) H 2020   Research (PDF, 28 KB) H 2021   Reviews (PDF, 41 KB) H 2032   Sermons (PDF, 151 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2040   Simulation Methods in Special Fields (PDF, 24 KB) H 2055   Social Conditions (PDF, 43 KB) H 2057   Social Life and Customs (PDF, 38 KB) H 2060   Societies (PDF, 33 KB) H 2070   Software and Works about Software (PDF, 158 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2075   Songs and Music (PDF, 169 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2080   Sources (PDF, 53 KB) H 2083   Specifications (PDF, 39 KB) H 2095   Statistics (PDF, 42 KB) H 2098   Streets and Roads (PDF, 55 KB) H 2100 H 2100   Strikes and Lockouts (PDF, 186 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2110   Study and Teaching (PDF, 171 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2145   Supplementary Works (PDF, 21 KB) H 2149   Surveys (PDF, 29 KB) H 2160   Tables (PDF, 33 KB) H 2184   Terms and Phrases (PDF, 39 KB) H 2185   Territories and Possessions (PDF, 136 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2186   Testing (PDF, 175 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2187   Textbooks (PDF, 42 KB) H 2190   Texts (PDF, 40 KB) H 2200 H 2217   Training (PDF, 45 KB) H 2219   Translating (PDF, 26 KB) H 2220   Translations (PDF, 142 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2225   Transportation (PDF, 31 KB) H 2227   Treaties (PDF, 50 KB) H 2228   Trials (PDF, 65 KB) H 2230   Visual Materials and Non-Music Sound Recordings (PDF, 155 KB)  REVISED September 2013 H 2232   Vocational Guidance (PDF, 26 KB) H 2400; Glossary and Appendices H 2400   Yearbooks (PDF, 22 KB) Glossary (PDF, 129 KB)  REVISED September 2013 Appendix A   Abbreviations (PDF, 176 KB)  REVISED September 2013 Appendix B   Capitalization (PDF, 203 KB)  REVISED September 2013 Appendix C   Diacritics and Special Characters (PDF, 234 KB)  REVISED September 2013 Appendix D   Punctuation (PDF, 153 KB)  REVISED September 2013 Appendix E   Geographic Area Codes (PDF, 49 KB)  REVISED May 2015 Appendix F   Subject-Related Codes in Field 008 - Books (PDF, 36 KB) Appendix G   Subject-Related Codes in Field 008 - Continuing Resources (Serials)(PDF, 28 KB)   M   Map Cataloging Manual [Also available through Cataloger's Desktop] Map Librarian's Toolbox (Western Association of Map Libraries) MARC STANDARDS MARC Code List for Countries MARC Code List for Geographical Areas MARC Code List for Languages MARC Code List for Organizations MARC Code List for Relators MARC 21 Format for Authority Data MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data MARC 21 Format for Classification Data MARC 21 Format for Community Information MARC 21 Format for Holdings DataMARC Specialized Tools - This category includes any software program that provides enhanced usability to MARC 21 records and systems. For example, conversion utilities and validation programs are included in this category. Free tools are indicated in the title of each listing. OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards METADATA Understanding Metadata: What is Metadata, and What is it For?: A Primer - Metadata, the information we create, store, and share to describe things, allows us to interact with these things to obtain the knowledge we need. This primer by Jenn Riley of McGill University Library offers a comprehensive overview of metadata, covering topics such as metadata types, standardization, and use in the cultural heritage sector and in the broader world. The Primer is accompanied by plentiful examples of metadata at work. This primer is available from National Information Standards Organization (NISO). NISO is where content publishers, libraries, and software developers turn for information industry standards that allow them to work together. Through NISO, all of these communities are able to collaborate on mutually accepted standards—solutions that enhance their operations today and form a foundation for the future. NISO, the National Information Standards Organization, a non-profit association accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information in today's continually changing digital environment. NISO standards apply to both traditional and new technologies and to information across its whole lifecycle, from creation through documentation, use, repurposing, storage, metadata, and preservation.   N   NACO Participants' Manual (4th edition, 2020) -  The Name Authority Cooperative Project (NACO) was established in 1977 as a result of an agreement between the Library of Congress (LC) and the U.S. Government Printing Office to use and maintain a common authority file. With the success of this initial project, LC entered into additional cooperative cataloging projects with many other institutions. The partners in cooperative cataloging efforts eventually developed the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) to administer these projects, including the Subject Authority Cooperative Program (SACO), the Bibliographic Cooperative Program (BIBCO), and the Cooperative Online Serials Program (CONSER). One of the missions of the LC Policy, Training and Cooperative Programs Division (PTCP) is to support bibliographic cooperation among cataloging institutions. The Cooperative Programs and Policy Section and the Cooperative Training and Policy Section assist the division by carrying out the team’s mission “to develop cooperative cataloging programs among the Library of Congress and libraries and related institutions in the national and international library communities; to provide direct service and clerical and technical support to those cooperative partners; and to coordinate cooperative cataloging activities of the Library of Congress.” Currently, over 900 institutions throughout the world, representing national, state, university, public, and special libraries, as well as museums, archives, and vendors, participate in one or more of these cooperative cataloging projects. NACO participants have contributed over 5.25 million name and series authority records alone since the inception of the program to the Library of Congress/NACO Authority File (LC/NAF). Both BIBCO and CONSER participants are also NACO members by virtue of the fact BIBCO and CONSER bibliographic records are subject to authority control. The NACO Participants’ Manual addresses NACO procedures for name authority records only and is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate authoritative documentation that is relevant to each section of the manual, including relevant documentation from the bibliographic utilities, OCLC and SkyRiver. The manual has been extensively revised and updated to reflect current practice. Examples used in the manual are not prescriptive of practice. Examples of past practice may still be found in MARC21 Format for Authority Data.  National Libraries of the World (Wikipedia) NLM Classification NLM Policy on Subject Analysis and Classification   O   OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting OCLC Classify (An experimental classification web service) (About Classify: Classify is a FRBR-based prototype designed to support the assignment of classification numbers and subject headings for books, DVDs, CDs, and other types of materials) OCLC Connexion Client Tutorials OCLC: When to Input a New Record OLAC Publications And Training Materials   P   PCC MARC Record Guide for Monograph Aggregator VendorsPCC Position Statement on Personal Data in Name Authority RecordsPCC Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Record Guidelines - PCC provider-neutral record guidelines for the cataloging of electronic monographs, serials, and integrating resources.Program for Cooperative Cataloging : Guiding Principles for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Metadata CreationPCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records (May 2024)Below information is sourced from PCC List:An updated version of the PCC Guidelines for the Application of Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records (May 2024) has been posted. The relevant changes are found in sections 13 and 15. Catalogers may now use relationship designators for related places in field 551 in NACO Authority Records, using subfield $i in combination with subfield $w value “r.” Catalogers may also update existing place name records that contain subfield $w values “a” or “b,” in field 551, to convert those code values to appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K.4.3 for successive place names, merges, splits, etc. For example:   151 Oslo (Norway) 551 $w r $i Predecessor: $a Kristiania (Norway)   151 Kristiania (Norway) 551 $w r $i Successor: $a Oslo (Norway) Optionally, relationships other than sequential place-to-place relationships, including hierarchical place-to-place relationships and relationships of other entities to places may also be recorded in 551 $i, using appropriate relationship designators from RDA Appendix K (for agent-to-place relationships) or Appendix I (for work/expression-to-place relationships). Appropriate terms from these appendices may be used since Appendix L was never developed. The updated guidelines provide some additional guidance and examples. As a general reminder: catalogers may record a related entity in a MARC 5XX field only when the other entity has been established in the LCNAF. Catalogers may not record relationships in the 5XX field to entities in other vocabularies such as LCSH or Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN). If the cataloger desires to formally record a related entity in a 5XX field for an entity appropriate to the LCNAF that has not yet been established, the cataloger must establish it (see best practice number 2, page 4). Catalogers may alternatively consider recording associated place names from other vocabularies using the 370 field in NARs. The new practice may begin immediately (and some catalogers have already been doing so, as in the Oslo/Kristiania example above). The existing prohibition on the use of subfield $i found in the DCM Z1 section 551 may be disregarded, and will be removed in the next DCM update in August 2024. Additionally, links to the updated guidelines will be either revised or added elsewhere in the DCM Z1, NACO Participants' Manual, etc. at that time. The guidelines are now published in PDF format instead of Word (.docx) format, and the old Word link now contains a redirect to the new PDF version.    Q     R   RAD: Rules for Archival Description (Canadian Committee on Archival Description) RDA: RESOURCE DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS Resource Description and Access (RDA) Cataloging Resources Resource Description and Access (RDA) Frequently Asked Questions   S   SACO Participants' Manual   T   TEI: Text Encoding Initiative (TEI Consortium) Toolbox for Processing and Cataloging International Government Documents (University of Delaware) Tools for Serial Catalogers (Vanderbilt University)   U   UDC: Universal Decimal Classification (UDC Consortium)   V   VIAF: Virtual International Authority File VRA Core (Visual Resource Association)   W   Website Cataloging / Cataloging Internet Resources World Factbook (information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities)   X     Y     Z   Z39.50 - Library of Congress CITATION INFORMATION Article Title Cataloger's Reference Directory: Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians Website Name Librarianship Studies & Information Technology URL Last Updated 2024-12-04 Original Published Date 2017-08-05 FEEDBACK Help us improve this collection. You can suggest new sources to be included here as well as report sources whose links are not working. Contact us with your feedback. You can use the comments section below or reach us on social media.  Some feedback received are listed below:ALIA New Graduates (on Twitter) - A helpful A-Z list for #catalogers, #librarians and students. 

Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians Cataloger's Reference Directory

100+ Most Important Cataloging Tools and Resources for Cataloging and Metadata Librarians and Catalogers. Cataloger's Reference Directory is a collection of top free and paid cataloging and bibliographic metadata resources. It includes sources for descriptive cataloging, subject cataloging, authority control, classification, subject headings, subject indexing, and metadata description.



AACR2: Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (Home Page of Anglo American Cataloging Rules) [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop]

ALA-LC Romanization Tables


AMIM: Archiving Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop]


BC Geographical Names (BC Integrated Land Management Bureau) - It is a community initiative with the following initial objectives: The creation of a reference mapping from BIBFRAME 2.0† to The development and sharing of reference software implementation(s) to: Enrich BIBFRAME data with Terms, Create terms from BIBFRAME 2.0 data


Cataloguing Code of Ethics (Final Version - January 2021) - At the request of their membership and for the benefit of all staff creating, sharing, enriching & maintaining metadata, the cataloguing communities of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are tasked with compiling a Code of Ethics for Cataloguers. It will be a dynamic document embodying the collective experiences and wisdom of our community of practice and will consist of a framework, with guidance and examples of best practice, which can be shared across the cataloguing community. The Code will be a collaborative and inclusive project managed by a Cataloguing Ethics Steering Committee directing a number of Working Groups consisting of individuals drawn from diverse geographical, ethnic and library sectors.

DATABASES : Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog


DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative


Dewey Decimal Classification / Linked Data ( is an experimental space for linked DDC data. The intention of the prototype is to be a platform for Dewey data on the Web)

eCataloger [The eCataloger application provides cataloging utilities to create an eLibrary for an individual or small organization. The research goal of eCataloger is on creating semantic services for artifacts. It uses the FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) framework to model the records using data elements and concepts from the MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), MARC, and other current and developing cataloging and metadata standards. By using FRBR as the descriptive framework, an overarching goal of the eCataloger is realized by being able to produce valid and well-formed MODS and MARC xml documents for interchange with existing and legacy library electronic systems]

European RDA Interest Group (Documents and Presentations)



FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data – A Conceptual Model


Gateway to Library Catalogs - Z39.50 (Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Page for gateway access to LC's catalog and those at many other institutions)

IASA Cataloguing Rules (International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives)




IFLA Library Reference ModelA Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information - Definition of a conceptual reference model to provide a framework for the analysis of non-administrative metadata relating to library resources


ISSN Online Portal



LC : Catalogers Learning Workshop : Freely available cataloging and metadata training materials (Catalogers Learning Workshop (CLW) provides information professionals training resources related to the organization and classification of bibliographic information)
LC Classification : PDF Files from Library of Congress

  • F 010   General Principles of Classification (PDF, 106 KB)
  • F 050   Classification Proposals (PDF, 1.3 MB)  REVISED July 2014
  • F 060   Filing Rules (PDF, 106 KB)
  • F 130   Alternate Class Numbers: Analytics in Collected Sets (PDF, 141 KB)
  • F 150   Alternate Class Numbers: Bibliography (PDF, 146 KB)
  • F 170   Call Number Changes (PDF, 146 KB)
  • F 175   Editions (PDF, 109 KB)
  • F 180   Reserved Class Numbers (PDF, 76 KB)
  • F 185   Obsolete Class Numbers (PDF, 99 KB)
  • F 195   Subarrangement Within Disciplines (PDF, 148 KB)
  • F 210   Periodicals and Serials (PDF, 129 KB)
  • F 220   Periodicals: ".A" Cutters (PDF, 94 KB)
  • F 225   Societies (PDF, 114 KB)
  • F 230   Yearbooks (PDF, 94 KB)
  • F 240   Congresses (PDF, 123 KB)
  • F 250   Collected Works (Nonserial) (PDF, 112 KB)
  • F 275   Biography (PDF, 148 KB)
  • F 280   General Works (PDF, 126 KB)
  • F 290   General Special (PDF, 103 KB)
  • F 300   Addresses, Essays, Lectures (PDF, 106 KB)
  • F 320   Classification and Time Periods (PDF, 119 KB)
  • F 350   Cutter Numbers: Topical Cutters (PDF, 128 KB)
  • F 430   Cuttering by Region or Country, A-Z (PDF, 157 KB)
  • F 440   Providing Classification Information for Shelflisting (PDF, 141 KB)
  • F 475   Abridgments of Individual Works (PDF, 120 KB)
  • F 480   Abstracts (PDF, 121 KB)
  • F 495   Archival Inventories and Manuscript Catalogs (PDF, 118 KB)
  • F 520   Bound-with and Upside-down Books (PDF, 95 KB)
  • F 550   City Regions and Metropolitan Areas (PDF, 109 KB)
  • F 560   Cartographic Materials (PDF, 112 KB)
  • F 565   Comic Books and Graphic Novels (PDF, 130 KB)
  • F 570   Commentaries on Individual Works (PDF, 100 KB)
  • F 582   Discographies (PDF, 112 KB)
  • F 585   Dissertations and Theses (PDF, 94 KB)
  • F 587   Ethnic Groups (PDF, 109 KB)
  • F 590   Folklore and Folk Literature (PDF, 122 KB)
  • F 592   Foreign Relations (PDF, 132 KB)
  • F 595   Historic Preservation (PDF, 105 KB)
  • F 600   Genealogy (PDF, 106 KB)
  • F 603   Government Documents (PDF, 122 KB)
  • F 605   Government Officials' Biographies, Speeches, and Papers (PDF, 102 KB)
  • F 610   Indexes (PDF, 97 KB)
  • F 615   Juvenile Materials (PDF, 132 KB)
  • F 618   Legislative Hearings and Reports (PDF, 98 KB)
  • F 620   Library of Congress Publications (PDF, 102 KB)
  • F 630   Library and Archival Resources (PDF, 111 KB)
  • F 632   Literary Authors (PDF, 194 KB)
  • F 633   Literary Authors: Subarrangement of Works (PDF, 161 KB)
  • F 634   Literary Collections (PDF, 138 KB)
  • F 635   Local Court Records (PDF, 101 KB)
  • F 650   Microforms (PDF, 108 KB)
  • F 710   Software (PDF, 105 KB)
  • F 720   Supplementary Works (PDF, 134 KB)
  • F 730   Teaching of Particular Subjects (PDF, 109 KB)
  • F 750   Washington (D.C.) (PDF, 127 KB)
  • G 053   Determining the Call Number (PDF, 105 KB)
  • G 055   Call Numbers (PDF, 138 KB)
  • G 058   Interpreting the Classification Schedules (PDF, 218 KB)
  • G 063   Cutter Numbers (PDF, 172 KB)
  • G 065   Preferred Shelflist Order (PDF, 132 KB)
  • G 070   Input of LC Call Numbers/Copy Statements (050/051 Fields) (PDF, 146 KB)
  • G 100   Filing Rules (PDF, 187 KB)
  • G 140   Dates (PDF, 169 KB)
  • G 145   Editions (PDF, 121 KB)
  • G 150   Translations/Texts in Parallel Languages (PDF, 191 KB)
  • G 155   Supplementary Works (PDF, 146 KB)
  • G 180   Non-Literary Compilations (PDF, 121 KB)
  • G 220   Corporate Bodies (PDF, 183 KB)
  • G 230   Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, Etc. (PDF, 165 KB)
  • G 240   Societies (PDF, 134 KB)
  • G 300   Regions and Countries Table (PDF, 62 KB)  REVISED June 2014
  • G 302   U.S. States and Canadian Provinces (PDF, 129 KB)
  • G 320   Biography (PDF, 170 KB)
  • G 330   Artists (PDF, 129 KB)
  • G 340   Criticism/Commentaries (PDF, 27 KB)  REVISED June 2014
  • G 350   Title Work Letters in Subclass PZ (PDF, 131 KB)
  • G 605   LC-Specific Information (PDF, 108 KB)
  • G 610   Basic Shelflisting Procedures (PDF, 156 KB)
  • G 615   Designations for Volume, Part, Etc. (PDF, 106 KB)
  • G 620   Assignment/Location of Materials (PDF, 165 KB)

Summary Guidelines for selection General Collections Materials for

Special Format Materials (SPEC MAT) collection.

Approved by Nadal 2022 12 27




Based on the following documents:

-        LCR 2-410: Custody of Materials in the Library of Congress – this document defines what Custody of materials means. It identifies CMD as Custodial of the General Collections.


-        G620 from Cataloguing Notebook on line – this document contains the ABA guidelines for processing Spec Mat Materials.



Special Format Materials (SPEC MAT) collections are materials that cannot be handled or stored easily on shelves and/or are too vulnerable by reason of fragility or value to be served in General Collection Reading Rooms. Spec Mat items must be served in a reading room where additional security is available, currently the Adams Reading Room.


All SPEC MAT materials will be evaluated by Conservation Division and rehoused by CD as needed.


The following categories constitute a Spec Mat item:


  1. Books containing items that are NOT attached such as buttons, puzzle pieces, compasses, a doll, piece of jewelry, non paper item(s) in a firmly attached pocket (such as a ruler or 3D glasses)
  2. Books that have complex or extensive fold-outs (e.g. leaves with more than one fold in them, or any volumes with multiple fold outs)
  3. Movable ’pop-up’ or ‘lift-the-flap’ books
  4. Accordion-folded pages that are not attached to the spine
  5. Any items containing unbound plates, ie. plates in a portfolio
  6. Boxed sets  (with multiple loose items within the case)
  7. 3-ring binders or any binder that opens such that pages can come loose
  8. Miniature books, i.e. books that are 5 inches (13 cm) or less in height and/or width.


The following categories DO NOT constitute a Spec Mat item:


1.     Books with attached items such as securely glued photographs, chains, metal cut-outs, etc.

2.     Books with a firmly attached pocket containing paper items such as maps or other printed material, excluding plates

3.     Books with 1 fold out that only has one fold in it (aka simple fold out)

  1. Books with a spiral binding, covered or uncovered

5.     Books with non-printed media (CD’s, DVD’s)

6.     Books made of non-paper materials (plastic, wood, cloth)

  1. Books with fuzzy/furry/sandpaper/texture covers, sides or pages
  2. Books with sections of the pages cut or punched out (Cut-out books)
  3. Books with shifting and changing pictures (holograms, etc.)

  • G 622   Assignment/Location of Materials: Asian and AMED (PDF, 165 KB)
  • G 630   Reference Assignments (PDF, 101 KB)
  • G 640   Forwarding Items to the Dewey Section (PDF, 112 KB)
  • G 660   Historical and Obsolete Legends and Symbols (PDF, 161 KB)
  • G 670   Shelflist Information Card (SLIC) (PDF, 181 KB)
  • G 750   Law and Legal Materials: General (PDF, 146 KB)
  • G 760   Law and Legal Materials: Superseded Materials (PDF, 74 KB)
  • G 800   Music Materials (PDF, 187 KB)
  • G 810   Rare Materials (PDF, 142 KB)

ILS Locations Authority File [On LC staff intranet only] - The Locations Authority File (LAF) lists locations and sublocations valid for use in LC Online Catalog records. Note: Take this as alternative for "Table of Abbreviations to be Used for Asian Languages".

LC Classification Web (Library of Congress Classification)

Classification Web [Navigating in the Classification Web] (Classification Web provides catalogers with online full-text display of all Library of Congress classification schedules--including G class geographic cutters, and complete Library of Congress subject headings. Correlations among LC classification numbers, LC subject headings and Dewey classification numbers are also readily available.
In this Quick Tip, designed and developed by Library of Congress's Instructional Design and Training Division for the Cataloging Distribution Service, you will learn how toNavigate in Classification Web in 3-4 minutes.)

LC DCM : Descriptive Cataloging Manual (The DCM is an in-house manual containing the procedures followed by catalogers at the Library of Congress. The chapters that related to the establishment of name and series authority records, however, are used by CONSER members and other participating in cooperative programs.) [Online version of AACR2 is available through Cataloger's Desktop]

LC DCM : LC DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING MANUAL (The LC Local Bibliographic Record and Local Data Fields - Elements in the LC Local Bibliographic Record for Monographs and Integrating Resources)

LC DCM - List of the Library of Congress Descriptive Cataloging Manual PDF Files

LC DCM - Undifferentiated Personal Names - guidelines [2020-02-14]

LC Filing Rules [Complete rules available through Cataloger's Desktop]

LCRI: LC Rule Interpretations


LCSH : Introduction to Library of Congress Subject Headings

LCSH : This page provides print-ready PDF files from the 34th Edition of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).

LCSH : Library of Congress Subject Headings: Online Training

LCSH :  Topical Heading Proposal Checklist - This checklist aligns with the Topical Heading Proposal form in Classification Web Plus and was created to account for the common issues in subject proposals. It does not account for all considerations for all types of subject proposals, and it may include considerations not relevant to all proposals.

H 0000

  • H 0040   Library of Congress Subject Authority Records (PDF, 137 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0080   Order of Subject Headings (PDF, 20 KB)

H 0100

  • H 0150   Partial Title Added Entries (PDF, 21 KB)
  • H 0160   Uncontrolled Subject Terms in the 653 Field (PDF, 42 KB)
  • H 0165   Subject Heading Changes in Bibliographic Records (PDF, 41 KB)
  • H 0170   CONSER & BIBCO Standard Records (PDF, 131 KB)
  • H 0175   Editions (PDF, 21 KB)
  • H 0178   Serials (PDF, 20 KB)
  • H 0180   Assigning and Constructing Subject Headings (PDF, 62 KB)
  • H 180 Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) : Assigning and Constructing [Librarianship Studies]
  • H 0181   Arabic/Persian Subject Headings (PDF, 61 KB)
  • H 0182   Chinese/Japanese/Korean Subject Headings (PDF, 40 KB)
  • H 0184   Subject Headings Identical to Descriptive Access Points (PDF, 23 KB)
  • H 0187   When to Establish a New Topical Heading (PDF, 19 KB)
  • H 0193   Changing a Heading or Deleting a Subject Authority Record (PDF, 178 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0193.5   Deleted Heading Information (PDF, 29 KB)  REVISED April 2015
  • H 0194   Providing for Geographic Subdivision of Existing Subject Headings (PDF, 40 KB)
  • H 0195   Changing References in Subject Authority Records (PDF, 31 KB)
  • H 0196   Changing Class Numbers in Subject Authority Records (PDF, 21 KB)

H 0200

  • H 0200   Preparation of Subject Heading Proposals (PDF, 106 KB)  REVISED February 2015
  • H 0202   Authority Research for Subject Heading Proposals (PDF, 71 KB)
  • H 0203   Citation of Sources (PDF, 216 KB)
  • H 0205   Establishing New Subdivisions Having General Application (PDF, 22 KB)
  • H 0250   Music Heading Authority Records (PDF, 213 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0285   Singular vs. Plural Forms in Subject Headings (PDF, 24 KB)
  • H 0290   Articles in the Initial Position (PDF, 24 KB)

H 0300

  • H 0306   Natural Language in Topical Subject Headings (PDF, 48 KB)
  • H 0310   [ . . . ] and [ . . . ]Headings (PDF, 57 KB)
  • H 0315   Foreign Terms (PDF, 20 KB)
  • H 0320   Headings Qualified by Nationality, Ethnic Group, Language, etc. (PDF, 38 KB)
  • H 0350   Nationality Designation of Classes of Persons (PDF, 168 KB)
  • H 0351   Ethnic Qualifiers (PDF, 29 KB)
  • H 0357   Parenthetical Qualifiers in Subject Headings (PDF, 49 KB)
  • H 0360   [ . . . ] as [ . . . ]Headings (PDF, 43 KB)
  • H 0362   Free-Floating Terms and Phrases (PDF, 53 KB)
  • H 0364   Authorization for Geographic Subdivision (PDF, 170 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0365   Library of Congress Classification Numbers in Subject Authority Records(PDF, 33 KB)
  • H 0370   Broader Terms, Narrower Terms, and Related Terms (PDF, 101 KB)
  • H 0371   General See Also References (PDF, 80 KB)
  • H 0373   "Used for" References (PDF, 76 KB)  REVISED June 2014
  • H 0374   General See References (PDF, 27 KB)
  • H 0375   [Topic]C[Place] Broader Term References (PDF, 23 KB)

H 0400

  • H 0400   Scope Notes (PDF, 38 KB)
  • H 0405   Establishing Certain Entities in the Name or Subject Authority File (PDF, 55 KB)  REVISED January 2014
  • H 0430   Name Headings as Subjects (PDF, 161 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0432   Subject Usage Information in Name Authority Records (PDF, 20 KB)  REVISED June 2014
  • H 0436   Provisional Name Headings (PDF, 39 KB)
  • H 0460   Name Changes in Non-Jurisdictional Corporate Bodies (PDF, 41 KB)
  • H 0475   Subdividing Corporate Name Headings by Place (PDF, 144 KB)  REVISED September 2013

H 0600

  • H 0620   Chronological Headings and Subdivision (PDF, 67 KB)
  • H 0690   Formulating Geographic Headings (PDF, 66 KB)  REVISED June 2014

H 0700

  • H 0708   Linear Jurisdictional Name Changes in Name Authority Records (PDF, 129 KB)  REVISED September 2013
  • H 0710   Jurisdictional Mergers and Splits (PDF, 28 KB)
  • H 0713   First Order Political Divisions of Countries (PDF, 30 KB)
  • H 0715

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