Just opening my laptop this morning for a little coffee chat as my fam and I stumble our way into the weekend,...

Well well well; how’s everyone doing? We’ve been passing around the crud around here. The good news is that no one has anything terrible, but we are dealing with our fair share of congestion, headaches, and coughing. The things that have seemed to help us the most so far are this Chestal cough syrup for the kids and this Rescue Xlear* for me (*not for the faint of heart ;)). All my natural medicine favorites can be found here.
While it’s no fun to feel rundown, I’m mostly bummed for cancelled plans. Kaitlyn had an event she was really looking forward to and I don’t think she’ll get to go. Makes me sad for her, but we’ll pivot and spend another cozy weekend at home. Send me your favorite family movie recommendations, please. Right now she’s mostly been flying through the Weird But True episodes. If it has to do with science, she’s all about it!
I feel like I’m in a meal planning slump. I’m not sure if it’s a lack of ideas or lack of excitement or lack of time. Whatever the reason I keep making the same few things: slow cooker beef stew, crispy chicken thighs, easy green beans, bone broth rice, and chili. The family isn’t complaining but I’m getting bored. Have you made anything lately that you’ve really enjoyed?

David and the girls built my raised garden beds last weekend, complete with trellises. It gives me a thrill every time I look out and see them. Next up is finding a metal wire grid to line the bottom with, then give my best effort to the lasagna style bed layering.
A “lasagna garden raised bed” refers to a raised garden bed where the soil is created using the “lasagna gardening” method, which involves layering organic materials like cardboard, newspaper, grass clippings, leaves, and straw on top of each other, mimicking the layers of a lasagna, to build rich, fertile soil without digging up existing ground; essentially creating a raised bed with a naturally composted soil mix built over time by layering organic materials.
I’m also trying to figure out chickens. A friend mentioned recently that if I want chicks I should look into getting them soon so they have time to mature and get big enough before next fall/winter. I don’t have a coop yet or plans for a coop yet so I’m starting to wonder how likely it is to have chickens this year. I have so much to learn! Perhaps this is something I can research more over our low key weekend. This stage of motherhood is special because there becomes time for hobbies and as of right now, the girls are into them, too. They both asked for some garden space (sure thing!) and have come up with potential names for chickens.
I’m continuing to chip away at home projects, something I’m sure that will continue throughout the year(s). I’ve started to cozy up our library space, adding a runner, a custom bench cushion through Etsy that was an excellent experience, and some pillows. I want to paint or wallpaper the wall behind the bench but I’m not sure with what yet.

I feel I’m starting to just ramble, but still have more to share. I owe you a post on my most recent CGM experience (and I still have one more monitor to use) and the HigherDOSE redlight facemask (HSL15 for 15% off any HigherDOSE purchase). I’m actually in awe of it right now and need to digest the fact that I believe it cured the remaining light but stubborn dermatitis I had on my forehead in less than a week of use. Seriously! And if you missed it, I shared my Function Health review here. My results have me determined to figure out how to regularly incorporate small oily fish. I’m not excited about it, but I know my body needs mackerel or sardines a time or two a week.
Signing off now to walk Finley, fill up Kaitlyn’s hot water with lemon and honey, and switch the laundry. Wishing you a wonderful weekend <3