What I Do When We Have the Flu

a week ago 18

I'm hoping you haven't been impacted by the flu this season, but in case you have, here are some things that help...

A cute rhyming title for a pretty blah experience. Recently the flu hit our household. Only one family member was struck (so far, knock on wood) and has recovered and I wanted to take a minute and write down what helped us. I like to do this to reference myself in the future but also because I’ve learned so much from other moms sharing what works for them.

When one of my kids wakes up telling me they don’t feel good my gut reflex is a slight panic. It’s a natural reaction when we see our child glassy eyed and feverish, right? It always helps to remind myself that sickness is normal. Fun? No. But in some ways we’ve become a society that feels we should never be sick. And while I wish that were true because sickness can be scary and inconvenient, it’s a normal part of a healthy and functioning immune system to get and fight off viruses. Our go go go pace can make it hard to accept the fact we have to let our bodies rest and do their thing, but the best thing we can do is hydrate and support the process.

Also, fevers are a good thing. They are our body’s natural way of fighting off infection. They can make us feel pretty rotten, certainly, but letting them run their course can help us kick infections faster. If a child can’t sleep because of being uncomfortable by fever, try the wet sock method! Have you heard of this classic remedy? The treatment is based on the idea that the body naturally regulates its temperature. By putting on cold, wet socks, the body’s heat is redirected towards the feet and away from other areas, which can help open up congested nasal passages and improve sleep quality.

How to Do the Wet Sock Method

To do the wet sock method, you’ll need a pair of cotton socks and a pair of wool socks. Soak the cotton socks in cold water, then wring them out and put them in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. While the socks chill, the sick person should take a hot bath or shower to get nice and warm. After exiting the bath or shower, dry off quickly and put on warm pajamas. Place the cold, wet cotton socks on the feet, then cover the wet socks with the wool socks. Tuck into bed for the night.

And of course, above all, follow your mom gut and intuition. You know your child best. But if it’s a status quo flu and you’re looking for a few at home flu fighting helpers, here’s my gameplan when the hand washing fails and we get hit with the flu. And if you have a favorite remedy I don’t know, please share it with me in the comments!

At Home Flu Fighting Favorites

Boiron Oscillococcinum

Truly, do yourself a favor and buy this to have on hand. It’s a little pricy, but I come with good news- you don’t need to down the whole vial to count as a dose. As I continue to learn more about homeopathy, I understand that the dose is in the frequency, not the amount taken at one time. So you can take an entire vial three times a day as directions read, but you can also get results with taking less pellets. My friend who is super knowledgeable in the field of homeopathy suggested putting some of the pellets in water and sipping every so often, but since I’m still learning to trust it all, I split the doses in half, then progressed to thirds (taking 1/3 a vial every time symptoms would return, roughly every 2-3 hours). We had huge success with this helping to alleviate symptoms to allow for better rest and ability to hydrate. I’ll never not have these stocked and ready to go.

***always store homeopathic remedies in a cool dark location away from sunlight and any strong smelling substances (including essential oils)


I understand people have mixed feelings on this one, and while I don’t like it for daily dosing, I do feel it’s a helpful tool for flu. Some studies show melatonin can reduce viral entry and replication as well as decrease inflammation. It also helps my kids sleep, which is one of the most important factors in healing. This melatonin gummy has no maltodextrin and no artificial colors or flavors.

Unscented Epsom Salt

Epsom salt baths can help reduce body aches and muscle soreness. There is conflicting info on whether or not they can increase white blood cell count and speed up toxin removal, but I do know a warm bath with Epsom salt makes my kids feel better and more relaxed. Most Epsom salt blends are made with added fragrance so I keep it simple and use unscented Epsom salt, add a couple drops of essential oils if I want to add a scent.

Xlear Nose Spray

This saline spray not only helps wash out sinuses and moisturize sinus tissue, it also has the added boost of xylitol which can help reduce swelling and relieve the annoyance of stuffy noses.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C is a form of vitamin C that is delivered in liposomes, which are tiny bubbles that mimic cell membranes. The big takeaway though is that Liposomal vitamin C may be better absorbed by the body than regular vitamin C. I buy mine from BodyBio.


As soon as anyone feels a sniffle I start running our big humidifier in the main room to increase the humidity. Humid air makes virus particles heavier, causing them to fall out of the air faster which reduces the risk of virus particles being inhaled and sickness spreading. Moist air also keeps our nasal passages and respiratory tracts hydrated, helping our bodies fight off viruses and other pathogens.

Vitamin D

I recently switched to Thorne Vitamin D after my Function Health testing in hopes of better absorption. Vitamin D levels play a crucial role in supporting the immune system and protecting against infections. I don’t supplement this for the kids, but I do make sure they get some sunshine even while sick if the day allows it. I’ll have them sit on the porch with their face to the sun for 15 minutes.

Open Windows and Air Purifiers

There is nothing better than fresh air breezing through the house if the weather allows it, but for when it doesn’t, an air purifier is so helpful in removing irritants, viruses, and bacteria from the air reducing the chances of it spreading to other fmaily members.


Hydration is so important, especially when they may not feel like drinking or eating much in the first day or two of sickness. My girls like to sip Spendrifts or tea to make it more interesting than plain water, and electrolytes help, too! Not only are they delicious (I buy LMNT), but they also help maintain good hydration with the proper blend of magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

No Added Sugar or Dairy

Sugar weakens the immune system and dairy can increase mucus production, so we steer clear of those when we’re feeling sick. I don’t push eating on the kids the way I do staying hydrated, but as their appetite returns, my go to foods include bone broth based chicken soup, cold sliced strawberries or applesauce (because it sounds good to them most often), scrambled eggs, and more chicken soup. 😉


One of the best cures truly is just good old fashion rest. I can tell when a kid feels really crummy because she won’t want to even listen to a story or watch a movie and just wants to nap off and on. I can tell she’s heading in the right direction when she can keep her eyes open for longer and is interested in turning on the TV. I like to set her up on a blanket lined couch (so it’s easier to wash) and that remains her designated spot until she’s on the mend.

Other Immune Boosters

I utilize some of our other immune boosters to help keep the rest of us well, like colloidal silver, garlic, my beloved wellness pills, the chewable version for kids, oregano tincture, elderberry, and echinacea depending on symptoms.

I’m praying the rest of our household stays well and that your house stays healthy this season, too! Bring on spring, amiright?! 😉

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