Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root continues the story of soulmates, one human and one vampire, as they deal with the effects of mixing essentially two species. In just a The post Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root: Book Review appeared first on The Lesbian Review.
Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root continues the story of soulmates, one human and one vampire, as they deal with the effects of mixing essentially two species.
In just a couple of months Erin will turn thirty years old. That wouldn’t be such a big deal except she is engaged to her soulmate, the vampire Amelia, and no one in the world knows how that will affect Erin. Everyone is on edge about that, but more pressing matters suddenly emerge.
A Fallen vampire, one who did not find her soulmate before turning thirty, escapes into the world. The Fallen are the ones who have given vampires a bad name in human society because they become insane without a soulmate. Suddenly, there is a lot more to worry about than how aging will affect Erin.
Erin is incensed. Doesn’t anyone remember she wants to be married? Like, yesterday?
This may be the second book in a series, but you would be hard pressed to tell on first glance. There is no endless rehashing the first book’s themes and set up for the third book. Instead, this is a story that is possibly better than the first one. The characters do spend time running around reacting to events, but there is also an intelligence at work. There are real dangers and obstacles at play throughout, not just one or two. The women and their families have obstacles and dangers coming at them from all sides, all of which need solving with their intelligence and at times brute force. The ongoing sense of urgency and action is a nice balance and makes the book exciting.
There is also a lot of funny. Unexpected bits of humor lands, often in the middle of one of the urgent moments, mostly centered on Erin who narrates of the story. Sometimes Amelia’s sister Lucille, the brat, will contribute to the hilarious parts, which is not surprising as a lot of the secondary characters get some quality time.
There are a few additions to the vampiric world of the series, but the core worldbuilding remains fascinating and very strong. At the end is a massive tease about where the series will go next, and it made me very impatient to get to it. I was surprised a bit and made me anticipate another hit.
Pros And My Favourite Parts
This may be the best second novel in a series I’ve ever read. There is simmering, sometimes boiling over danger and nail biting action, thrown up hard against a lot of LOL humor. I found it stimulating as a reader, and didn’t think for a moment that one weakened the other. I absolutely love Erin and Amelia and their amazing romance, as well as the dangerous situations they encounter and their heroic actions. They are sexy and wonderfully loving, smart and brave. Also, I really want to be a part of Amelia’s vampire family, as they are completely awesome. Amelia’s sister Lucille is one of my favorites, as you never know what will happen with her, but she is never less than fearsomely loyal to family.
It’s difficult to emphasize enough how funny this book is, whether from quippy dialogue, outrageous observations or flat out slapstick. I lost count of how many times I would be engrossed in some well done action sequence and then startle the cat with an outburst of laughter.
Despite becoming used to constant curve balls, I was still surprised and thrilled at the very end of the book. It’s a perfect setup for the third book. It makes sense, promises even more action and twisty sociopolitical machinations and of course the funny.
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As you might expect with vampires, there is a bit of bitey action.
The Conclusion
Erin and her vampire soulmate Amelia are engaged and impatient for Erin to reach thirty years old in a few months. That is the golden age, and she may transform, die, or just wake up to another day. No one knows in this rare pairing of human and vampire. Suddenly, that fear is pushed to a back burner when events careen into larger and more dangerous issues that threaten the couple and both their families.
This is the second book of a series but it’s great all on its own. The romance is super sexy, the dangers come from more than a couple of directions, and there were many, many moments when I laughed out loud in the midst of a tense passage. By all means read the first book, but you would enjoy this without it. Best of all, the very end of the book promises a slam bang finale with the next book.
Excerpt from Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root
My parents have been here many times before, but this feels like the first time. Soon, they will know the truth and will see everything anew. God, I hope they understand.
The Lochs and my parents are embracing as I come down the staircase with my arms laden with documents, pictures, and ancient texts. I’ve studied all of them in depth. Even after accepting that vampires existed, I continued to read. It’s all quite fascinating.
“Erin, honey. What on earth is going on?”
“Come into the living room, Mom, and I’ll explain everything.”
The ten Lochs cram themselves onto one sofa. I ask Amelia to sit with her family. I need to do this alone. My parents sit calmly, but I can see they’re worried.
“I need to tell you something, and it’s not going to sound very believable.”
“Please, Dad, just listen.” He nods and falls silent.
I lay out the books and scrolls on the floor, facing them. “I need you both to read through these. Once you have, you’ll understand, and I’ll answer any questions.”
“Please, just read.” My hands form tight fists as my parents pick up a book each and begin reading. The room is silent, but I hear Amelia loud and clear. She’s doing her very best to keep me calm.
Now and then my mother raises her eyebrow at something written. My father is harder to gauge. They continue reading for what seems like hours.
Gently, my mom closes the book in her lap and looks up. Her eyes convey uncertainty, as if she can’t decide if the words she’s just read can be believed. “E-erin, you’re trying to tell us that…that—”
“Vampires exist.” I finish for her. My father rushes to his feet and paces the floor, his eyes on the Loch family.
“You can’t be serious.” Mom laughs. But I see it in her eyes. She knows it’s true.
“It’s true,” Amelia voices confidently.
Silence descends again. I’m at a total loss for what to do next. I don’t want them running out scared, especially now, with a Fallen on the loose.
“But…vampires are evil,” Mom whispers. I feel Amelia’s eye roll before I see it.
“No, they’re not. I promise you. Mom, Dad, everything you’ve been told about them is a fabrication.”
Mom scratches her head, her eyes downcast. My father is still pacing and then he’s still. His eyes train on the Lochs. “Will you hurt Erin? I mean, do you drink her blood?”
I want to laugh at how ludicrous he sounds, but then I stop and recall how I thought about those kinds of things before I knew any better.
“No. We don’t drink human blood. Only animal,” Harlan answers.
“Is that by choice or—”
“We aren’t made to hurt humans, Robert. The taste of human blood is quite repulsive. We aren’t mythical creatures. We evolved, just as humans did.”
“And you knew this before being with Amelia?” Dad is looking at me now, and I still can’t get a read on his thoughts.
“Amelia told me early on. There is a lot to explain, but for now, I just need you to process this. I’m not in danger from them. Neither are you nor any other human.”
“That’s not strictly true,” Lucille pipes up. I cast her a glare that she rolls her eyes at.
“Tell them everything.”
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Series: The Loch and Key Series
Risking Immortality
Waiting for Eternity
Bits and Bobs
ISBN number:979-8343953862
Publisher: Indie Author
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Note: I received a free review copy of Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root. No money was exchanged for this review. When you use our links to buy we get a small commission which supports the running of this site
The post Waiting for Eternity by Alyson Root: Book Review appeared first on The Lesbian Review.