Motivating the rules of the game for adversarial example research

6 years ago 6

Motivating the Rules of the Game for Adversarial Example Research is one of the most level-headed things I’ve read on AI safety/security in a while. It’s 25 pages, which is long for a machine learning paper — but it’s worth it. My brief take-away from the paper, which I totally support: Adversarial example research has been framed in two ways: an experimental method for pure research which helps us better understand neural network architectures and their learned representations a practical method for securing machine learning models against attacks from adversaries in the wild. Adversarial examples are the least of our problems in the latter practical framing. We ought to either (1) re-cast adversarial example work as a pure research problem, or (2) build better “rules of the game” which actually motivate popular adversarial defense methods as sufficient security solutions. Here are some more extracts that I think summarize the push of the paper (emphasis mine): We argue that adversarial example defense papers have, to date, mostly considered abstract, toy games that do not relate to any specific security concern (1). Much of the adversarial perturbation research arose based on observations that even small perturbations can cause significant mistakes in deep learning models, with no security motivation attached. … Goodfellow et al. intended $l_p$ adversarial examples to be a toy problem where evaluation would be easy, with the hope that the solution to this toy problem would generalize to other problems. … Because solutions to this metric have not generalized to other settings, it is important to now find other, better more realistic ways of evaluating classifiers in the adversarial [security] setting (20). Exploring robustness to a whitebox adversary [i.e. $l_p$-norm attacks] should not come at the cost of ignoring defenses against high-likelihood, simplistic attacks such as applying random transformations or supplying the most difficult test cases. … Work primarily motivated by security should first build a better understanding of the attacker action space (23). An appealing alternative for the machine learning community would be to recenter defenses against restricted adversarial perturbations as machine learning contributions and not security contributions (25). To have the largest impact, we should both recast future adversarial example research as a contribution to core machine learning functionality and develop new abstractions that capture realistic thread models (25). Some other notes: The authors correctly point out that “content-preserving” perturbations are difficult to identify. $l_p$-norm is just a proxy (and a poor one at that!) this criterion. If we try to formalize this briefly, it seems like a content-preserving perturbation $\delta_{O,T}(x)$ on an input $x$ for some task $T$ is one which does not push $x$ out of some perceptual equivalence class according to a system-external observer $O$ who knows $T$. If that’s right, then concretely defining $\delta$ for any domain requires that we construct the relevant perceptual equivalence classes for $O$ on $T$. Is this any easier than reverse-engineering the representations that $O$ uses to solve $T$ in the first place? If not, then posing the “correct” perturbation mechanism is just as difficult as learning the “correct” predictive model in the first place. I think the definition of “adversarial example” begins to fall apart as we expand its scope. See e.g. this quote: for many problem settings, the existence of non-zero test error implies the existence of adversarial examples for sufficiently powerful attacker models (17). This is true for a maximally broad notion of “adversarial example,” which just means “an example that the system gets wrong.” If we expand the definition that way, the line between a robust system (in the security sense) and a well-generalizing model begins to get fuzzy.

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