Patterns in Relationships & Tips

4 months ago 55

Courtesy Unsplash Image By: Kevin Grieve Relationships are constantly changing and progressing with struggles. Despite the struggles, relationships can be able to move forward by finding mutual solutions to the issues. Communication, trust, jealousy, emotional distance, lack of support, and different relationship standards can occur anytime during the relationship. Often one partner wants to control another partner for many reasons. However, understanding the dynamics of relationships can help you understand your partner, solve conflicts, and connect with your partner. Dynamics in a relationship has to do with your partner’s communication, connection, making decisions, values, and how they find solutions to the conflicts. It is how they mingle with you in the relationship as well as how they emotionally connect with you. Understanding this can help repair any damage that was done within the relationship and help with emotional healing. Being in an unhealthy relationship can make any partner feel disconnected, out of control, and doubts whether the relationship can endure. Furthermore, not knowing how to repair a relationship can make you feel emotionally exhausted, uncertainty, and doubts. How do you find a solution to your relationship issues? Do you know your relationship dynamically to comprehend it and how to find help? Often a therapist can help you with your relationship dynamically. There are three types of relationship dynamics that have to do with your attachment style and how you relate to your partner. As well as the repeated arguments about finances, principles of how to discipline your children, lack of sexual intimacy, mental wellness of both partners, and what both of you expect to receive within the relationship. It often happens in relationships where one partner is working more than the other partner as well as not listening to your partner’s requests. However, getting help from a professional therapist can help both of you accept each other and understand the repeated patterns that are done in the relationship. The first dynamic is demanding and withdrawing from your partner. The second dynamic is being distant and pursuing your partner. The third dynamic is developing fear and shame towards your partner. Knowing which relationship dynamic that you have with your partner can help improve your relationship. As well as knowing your attachment style and your partner’s attachment style. It is necessary to get to know your partner’s love language and your love language so you can feel emotionally secure in your relationship. Moreover, knowing your love style and what both of you need to balance the relationship. There are four types of love styles such as Eros, Agape, Storge, and Pragma. The love style Eros or the erotic phase of a relationship is important for keeping the attraction and passion continuous with both partners. It is the enthusiastic feelings that occur and the deep connection. It helps develop emotional and physical satisfaction in the relationship. Also, having Agape which is unconditional love without being selfish. It helps us to focus on each other’s happiness, needs, and desires, and the support for strengthening the relationship. Last Storge is all about building a friendship with your partner, feeling emotionally connected, and companionship. It makes both partners feel the love, care, trust, and helps the relationship for stability. Yet, the Pragma love style is an intellectual relationship based on beliefs, common aspirations, and feeling compatible with your partner. Although some relationships can have two or four love styles in the relationship, it is vital to consider how you relate to your partner to build a strong relationship. Understanding all these things can help you change and progress with your relationship. Begin by communicating your openness with your partner and not hiding your feelings towards them. Be honest, respect, support, trust, compromise, and avoid blaming your partner. Second, seek professional help if your partner is unfaithful, has behavioral issues, has too many expectations within the relationship, constant comparisons, and lack of consideration towards you and family. Furthermore, emotional pain, trauma, and other issues from past relationships can also prevent your partner from feeling joy in the relationship. Regardless of what the issues are, it is necessary to remain calm and to find ways to rekindle that enthusiasm that you have for each other as a couple. Hoping and having expectations that things are going to change in the relationship is not recommended for your health and for your partner’s health. Having a relationship must not feel like a chore but it is an ongoing process to be in a profound relationship with your partner. Always dedicate time to your partner, listen, and understand them. Always consult with a professional therapist to find resolutions and for strengthening your relationship. Here are websites about dynamics and relationship tips.   Relationship Dynamics: Meaning and Their Types: Relationship Dynamics: Meaning and Their Types Relationship Dynamics and the Patterns We Create: Relationship Dynamics and the Patterns We Create * Courtesy Unsplash Image By: Kevin Grieve

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