5 Brilliant Mind Traits

4 years ago 37

Brilliant Mind- A Genius! A Genius is a person who always does something extraordinary and something out of the box. He is the one whose beliefs are so strong that no one can make them feel inferior. He never gives up even if the situation is against him. They are very different from rest of the world. Like a rarest species of diamond. A True Star. Pure!!!!!!! There are some traits of a Brilliant Mind, they are: 1.Utilize Time : There are certain situations where a person easily give up and become lost in their own emotional trap of dreams without even realizing the wastage of their precious time. A Genius always finds a ray of hope even in the darkest situation. He is a dreamer who knows this very well as how to turn his dreams into reality. His mind is as busy as a bee. His power to utilize his time comes from his inner happiness. 2. Enjoy their Lives : Life is always full of surprises but people often close the doors to happiness and welcomes sorrows with open heart. Enjoying a life is a portrait of happiness and self love. Brilliance of Mind is directly proportional to a Happy and Peaceful Soul. Genius people often mould themselves according to a situation and never misses an opportunity to shine even brighter. They don't live their lives on other's terms & conditions as they make their own rules for leading a happy living. They know that life is unpredictable so they celebrate every single moment. 3. Always Ready to Learn : A person without learning is equals to a person without life, his brain is dead, one needs to wake his soul up by learning from every little thing and situation. These types of people often ends up by achieving all the happiness of their lives but still work hard and never stop themselves from learning. A very relatable Life Equation:                        (Constant Learning = Gain of Knowledge + Peace of Mind)  A genius's mind always keeps the above equation in mind. He knows that keep moving is a motto for success. 4. Express Themselves : The ability to express oneself always makes a person more confident and genius. This quality is not God Gifted to everyone but a genius always find ways to grasp the tricks to become expressive. Every person is Unique in one or the other way but a genius always finds the way to reach his strength. A brilliant mind often tries to conquer the fears. He believes in converting his opportunities into strengths.  He always follows his passion and never depends on others for his happiness. 5. Conscious about Society : People often cares only about their families but there is a lot more peace and comfort in the smiles of those whom we help. A Genius often thinks about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Presence of mind and a helping hand towards society often forms the combination of a GENIUS MIND and A POWERFUL SOUL. One should always thinks about the good and bad consequences to be faced by the society by his work. If we help others then they will also help us in our bad times. Keep Reading!Do share my thoughts if you find it meaningful. https://puhuthakur.blogspot.com/p/contact-us.html

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