Goodbye and Hello

5 months ago 27

It's been thirteen years since I created this space and started sharing all things Montessori.  And not just Montessori but small bits about being a mom. A working mom,  and a small business owner, who in the early days made the food at Maple Tree and cleaned the toilets.   I use to go into work so early every day and work long into the evenings and on my weekends.  I always wanted things to feel like home and be just a little extra special.  At some point over the last few years my writing here slowed down.  I was struggling with creativity and I was feeling like I was writing about the same things over and over again.   I am amazed when I look at the stats for this blog at how many people still check it and read regularly.  The last number of blog posts have not been by me but by one of our teachers.  I have been operating my Montessori Preschool for twenty two years and my job and role has changed a lot in this time.  The last few years has been about mentoring teachers and encouraging them in their reflective teaching practice. I wanted us to come back to this space of writing authentically about our time in the classroom.  I want our teachers to really dig into the reflective part of their teaching practice and I think this space is ideal for that pause for thought and reflection.   Later this week the this blog will shift into a new format which will be part of our new website.  We will still be blogging, just not here anymore and this old space will still be here for inspiration and for anyone wanting to look back. But,we won't be posting anymore here.  I am excited for our new website and also our new blog space. You can see our new blog space here by going to Thanks for being here and thanks for reading over the years. ~Michelle

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