Political Domination among Countries in the Middle East and North Africa

4 years ago 4

North Africa and the Middle East consist of four political powers.   1.     The Arab World let by Egypt with its population occupying North Africa and most of the Middle East. 2.     Iran with its population located along the western shores of the Red Sea. 3.     Turkey with its population located along the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Syrian Iraqi borders. 4.     Turkey with its population located along the northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Syrian Iraqi borders. 5.     5. Israel located along the Mediterranean Sea. It used to be Palestine.   The major problems in this region is the aggressive political strategies of Israel, Iran and Turkey, to dominate parts of the Arab countries. For example: 1.     Israel was created in 1948,  on 51% of Palestinian lands, by the United Nations and with the help of the USA. Since then, Israel has annexed  27% of the West Bank. As a result Israel  controls 78% what used to be Palestine. President Trump proposed the annexation of the land where 350 illegal settlements were built, to be part of Israel. As of June 6, 2020, this plan was not implemented. This political act was in violation of UN Resolution and of International Law. 2.     The Iranian aggression in June 25, 2020 against Iraq, led the Prime Minister of Iraq to warn  Iran against interfering in Iraq internal affairs. The Iraqi  government arrested more than fourteen  persons who were members of Khatib Hisb- Allah in Iraq. This group was created and supported, politically and financially, by Iran. It is similar to the group in Lebanon  also created by Iran and led by Hassan Nasr Allah . The Hisb Allah in Lebanon has an army consisting of 100,000 soldiers. Recently, Hassan Nasr Allah declared publicly that his allegiance is to  Khamenei in Iran and not to Lebanon. Furthermore, Iranian troops are also in Syria in support of the Syrian regime  in their civil war.  Iran also interferes in Yemen supporting the Houthi group against the Yemini government who are supported by Saudi Arabia. The Iranian strategy is to establish “The Shi’a Crescent “ expanding from Iran to Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.  3.     Turkey is the third power that has been active in conducting war and terrorist activities  against Syria and Iraq. Moreover, Turkey has landed 25,000 mercenaries in Libya recruited from Syria in support of the illegal government of Al- Siraj who controls a small part of Western Libya. Turkish army officers were also sent to Libya. The Libyan National Assembly condemned the Turkish interference. General Haftar, head of the Libyan army ordered the invader to leave Libya. The Turkish interference in Libya was mainly to control Libyan oil located in Sirt which is under the control of general Haftar.   Turkey military interference in Libya led President El Sessi of Egypt to meet with Libyan government officials and with general Hafter. President El Sessi stressed the fact that Turkish interference will not only threaten the security of Libya but also that of Egypt. The Egyptian Parliament issued a declaration stating that the city of Sirt is a “Red Line” and crossing it by the Turkish troupes and mercenaries will be a declaration of war, not only against Libya but also against Egypt. This is the “Cairo Declaration” in case Egypt security is threatened. President Erdogan of Turkey is trying to fulfill his dream by creating a second Ottoman Empire. Erdogan has welcomed the Muslim Brothers, who have been classified as terrorists, into his country. The three above mentioned political powers intension is to dominate and control part of the Arab World.  

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