Are you not sure about where to have your family photo shoot where the children will have fun and keep them entertained? How about the beach? The beach not only has a beautiful backdrop but it offers a relaxed and playful atmosphere for you and your children.
Family photography sessions at the beach are so much fun where your children can run, play, and investigate spending quality time with their parents.
A Few Things I Look for When Finding the Perfect Beach Location
It’s clean and relatively free of seaweed
It has a grass area or rock formations
Beach boxes even better
Clean, clear blue water
Safe access and family friendly
Not to0 busy with people
I have a favourite beach that I recommend in Bayside, but if you have a favourite beach location around Melbourne that’s meaningful to your family, then let’s use that.
When is the best time for family photography?
Usually the best light down at the beach is either early morning just after sunrise or late in the afternoon an hour before sunset (Golden Hour) as Midday sun produces strong, glary light that produces shadows on faces. With this particular family we decided that 4pm in the afterrnon was a good time for them.
What to Bring to a Beach Family Photo Shoot
Towels (especially if the family wants to have a dip in the ocean)
Snacks and drinks for the children
Clothing layers if it gets windy
Bucket, spades, or toys for digging in the sand
Can I bring some toys for the children to play with?
Of course, what child doesn’t have fond memoires of digging the sand at the beach with their bucket and spade. .

What About the Weather?
Beaches are beautiful all year round, yes even Winter. Don’t worry if it’s an overcast day as the clouds can act like a reflector, covering strong sun. Even if it is sunny with strong, glary light, it’s my job to find the best possible light to photograph your family. The only time I’d reschedule a family photo shoot would be if rain is forecast.