Oops! All big hexes. Hexmap and nice internal links via Alex Schroeder's Hex Describe. 01.02 01.03 01.04 02.01 02.02 02.03 02.04 03.01 03.02 03.03 03.04 03.05 04.01 04.02 04.03 04.04 05.02 05.03 05.04 Styx Styx II JJ KK HH Upper StygiaUpper Stygia Mt PurgatoryMt Purgatory LL SS GanzirGanzir Lower StygiaLower Stygia Reef of WrecksReef of Wrecks MM RR The CedarmarchThe Cedarmarch SSR TartarusSSR Tartarus NN QQ PP OO Public Domain Congratulations, you're dead - for better or worse, a situation that's a lot like being alive. You don't need to worry about aging, and you'll never be able to have more children, but you still need to eat, drink, sleep, piss, shit, and breathe; you can still burp, fuck, get high, or for that matter practice clean living. It's not clear whether everyone goes to this place or not - people seem to enter without regard to when they died "up there," so maybe they just haven't made it yet - but entrants seem to consist of the same mix of saints and sinners as everywhere else, and your station here, unless you do something about it, is a function of how lavish your funeral was. 0202: Glacial uplands and cryovolcanos form the source of the Styx.0203: Mt Purgatory. According to the Montanist denomination (in contrast to their rivals in orthodoxy, the Harrowers, who advance a sola fide soteriology) Christ-Thoth will forgive all sins for which sincere and painful penance has been made. In this monastery-state the brothers and sisters help each other avoid further sin, and cleanse out existing sin via torturing each other. Strict monotheists, they reject worship of any entity other than Christ-Thoth and his vaguely distinguishable father, Anu-Yahweh; this places them on permanent war footing with idolatrous Ganzir and by extension in tentative alliance with the Soviet Socialist Republic of Tartarus0302: From her palace at seven-gated Ganzir Ereshkigal is eternally proclaimed sovereign over the Underworld. Here the villas of her aristocracy - mostly those buried with retainers and other choice grave goods - look down on timeless latifundia whilst scheming to win her favor. History, in the form of the new states of Mt. Purgatory and SSR Tartarus, is an unwelcome bug that will be stamped out; time will return to its proper place as the dance of planets and retroactively-annual release and hunt of Tammuz.0303: The fertile valley of Lower Stygia is the breadbasket of Ereshkigal's empire, albeit one ready to be contested by the revisionist states also bordering it. It is into this land that Tammuz is typically released after his sojourn in the overworld; while he is down under, the ghosts enjoy pleasant weather and ample harvests. The warrior queen Mu Xin holds a fortress here to secure the land for Ereshkigal, but mostly as a staging area for her own charioteers to win the glory of catching the Harvest King. 0402: The Cedarmarch was, supposedly, planted by the gods as a barrier between this place and their own idyllic domain; don't cut down the trees or furies will mark you out for divine vengance. Humbaba probably won't notice you enough to eat you, but he might digest you anyway after eating the guy that did.0403: Vladimir Lenin (no, really) founded the Soviet Socialist Republic of Tartarus within a few decades of arriving; a few decades of civil war and radical high points later, it's been keen to recruit officials with a background in palace administration to administer its planned economy (copying existing up-there industrialization models when no metals stronger than bronze or burnable fuels much more efficient than charcoal is a challenge, but the metaphysics of this place also lend themselves to the long run.) War with Ganzir is on the backburner at the moment, but only a matter of time; relations with Mt Purgatory are consequently more friendly than not.
Oops! All big hexes. Hexmap and nice internal links via Alex Schroeder's Hex Describe.
Congratulations, you're dead - for better or worse, a situation that's a lot like being alive. You don't need to worry about aging, and you'll never be able to have more children, but you still need to eat, drink, sleep, piss, shit, and breathe; you can still burp, fuck, get high, or for that matter practice clean living. It's not clear whether everyone goes to this place or not - people seem to enter without regard to when they died "up there," so maybe they just haven't made it yet - but entrants seem to consist of the same mix of saints and sinners as everywhere else, and your station here, unless you do something about it, is a function of how lavish your funeral was.
0202: Glacial uplands and cryovolcanos form the source of the Styx.
0203: Mt Purgatory. According to the Montanist denomination (in contrast to their rivals in orthodoxy, the Harrowers, who advance a sola fide soteriology) Christ-Thoth will forgive all sins for which sincere and painful penance has been made. In this monastery-state the brothers and sisters help each other avoid further sin, and cleanse out existing sin via torturing each other. Strict monotheists, they reject worship of any entity other than Christ-Thoth and his vaguely distinguishable father, Anu-Yahweh; this places them on permanent war footing with idolatrous Ganzir and by extension in tentative alliance with the Soviet Socialist Republic of Tartarus
0302: From her palace at seven-gated Ganzir Ereshkigal is eternally proclaimed sovereign over the Underworld. Here the villas of her aristocracy - mostly those buried with retainers and other choice grave goods - look down on timeless latifundia whilst scheming to win her favor. History, in the form of the new states of Mt. Purgatory and SSR Tartarus, is an unwelcome bug that will be stamped out; time will return to its proper place as the dance of planets and retroactively-annual release and hunt of Tammuz.
0303: The fertile valley of Lower Stygia is the breadbasket of Ereshkigal's empire, albeit one ready to be contested by the revisionist states also bordering it. It is into this land that Tammuz is typically released after his sojourn in the overworld; while he is down under, the ghosts enjoy pleasant weather and ample harvests. The warrior queen Mu Xin holds a fortress here to secure the land for Ereshkigal, but mostly as a staging area for her own charioteers to win the glory of catching the Harvest King.
0402: The Cedarmarch was, supposedly, planted by the gods as a barrier between this place and their own idyllic domain; don't cut down the trees or furies will mark you out for divine vengance. Humbaba probably won't notice you enough to eat you, but he might digest you anyway after eating the guy that did.
0403: Vladimir Lenin (no, really) founded the Soviet Socialist Republic of Tartarus within a few decades of arriving; a few decades of civil war and radical high points later, it's been keen to recruit officials with a background in palace administration to administer its planned economy (copying existing up-there industrialization models when no metals stronger than bronze or burnable fuels much more efficient than charcoal is a challenge, but the metaphysics of this place also lend themselves to the long run.) War with Ganzir is on the backburner at the moment, but only a matter of time; relations with Mt Purgatory are consequently more friendly than not.