4 years ago 36

The name of this plant explains what time of the day to expect blooms to appear. They are prolific bloomers, and they emit a fragrance in the evening that will last all night. This plant has a root much like a carrot. Once it secures the root system, this plant will begin to spread on its own. It is a hardy plant that will grow in any soil condition be it dry in summer, or soaking wet during the rainy months. Each flower will produce a seed that looks like a black peppercorn. Gather these and store to give to friends or grow some of these Four O'Clocks in different areas of your garden. Once it sets in, the plant will dominate your garden. Butterflies love this plant and are not toxic unless eaten by mistake, or chewed on by young pets. Every part of the Four O' Clock is poisonous since they are a member of the nightshade family. This may cause vomitting , skin irritation, nausea, so do not plant it near the house, or playground areas where children could pick them by mistake. Please send comments

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