It's time for the 14th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge! My theme for the Challenge is CELEBRATE. Wow! It's the end of March! I can't believe we've made it to the end of a 31 day writing challenge. I have to be honest - I struggled sometimes! I was determined to finished all 31 days, but my writing muscles were definitely atrophed, and at times...sore from the exersion. It reminded me that writing is a practice that requires just as much grit as any other difficult, but rewarding endeavor. I was happy to participate, though, and enjoyed visiting old friends from SOLSCes from the past and meeting new friends. There were so many amazing posts - poems, lists, videos, photo journals, stories, and more. Thank you, everyone, for all your talent, thoughts, musings, perspectives, and gifts. It was a journey, for sure! Today, I celebrate the Slice of Life community and achieving goals!