Intro Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) historically supported Oracle Database 11g, but with recent updates, Oracle has phased out support for older database versions like 11g in ExaCS. While existing Oracle Database 11g instances may continue to run, it is no longer possible to provision new Oracle 11g databases on Exadata Cloud Service through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) console. Oracle encourages users to upgrade to more recent supported versions, such as Oracle Database 19c or 23ai, to leverage enhanced features, security, and performance improvements. Some customers continue to run Oracle 11g because they have not been able to schedule downtime due to mission-critical business applications. Additionally, Oracle R2 is considered one of the most stable environments that Oracle has built. However, these customers face challenges in finding an efficient migration method, as their databases have grown to terabyte sizes.Customers are still stuck on Oracle 11g for several key reasons: Mission-Critical Applications: Many businesses run critical applications that require constant uptime, making it difficult to schedule downtime for upgrades or migrations.Stable Environment: Oracle R2 is considered a highly stable release. Some businesses prefer to stick with this known stability rather than risk issues with newer versions.Cost and Complexity: Upgrading Oracle databases, especially from 11g, can be expensive and complex. It may involve re-architecting applications, testing, and retraining staff, which some companies may not have the resources to handle.Large Databases: Over time, databases have grown to terabyte sizes, which makes migration and upgrade processes much more challenging in terms of time, performance, and storage.Custom Solutions and Legacy Code: Many organizations have customized solutions that are tightly integrated with Oracle 11g, and updating these systems can require significant rework, leading to compatibility issues with newer versions.Business Prioritization: In some cases, businesses prioritize operational stability over modernization, choosing to delay upgrades to focus on other initiatives. In this article, I will show you how you can create the 11g database in exacs using dbaascli. Note: You can create this only if you have upgrade support for 11g. Oracle ExaCS does not support running 11g in the ExaCS environment. List db images in EXACS [root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli cswlib showImages DBAAS CLI version Executing command cswlib showImages Job id: 10706bde-2e70-42fe-a371-7cb9bd572f7c Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/showImages/dbaastools_2024-09-06_05-54-57-PM_59941.log Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/showImages/dbaastools_2024-09-06_05-54-57-PM_59941.log ############ List of Available database Artifacts ############# 1.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=11.2 APR 2023 DB Image 2.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.2 JUL 2023 DB Image 3.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=18c JUL 2023 DB Image 4.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c JAN 2024 DB Image 5.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.1 OCT 2023 DB Image 6.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=23ai DB image 7.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=18c APR 2023 DB Image 8.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=11.2 OCT 2023 DB Image 9.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.1 APR 2023 DB Image 10.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c APR 2024 DB Image 11.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2023 DB Image 12.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=23ai DB image 13.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.2 APR 2023 DB Image 14.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=11.2 JUL 2023 DB Image 15.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.1 JUL 2023 DB Image 16.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2024 DB Image 17.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=12.2 OCT 2023 DB Image 18.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=18c OCT 2023 DB Image 19.IMAGE_TAG= VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c OCT 2023 DB Image Images can be downloaded using their image tags. For details, see help using 'dbaascli cswlib download --help'. dbaascli execution completed [root@exadevdb-01 ~]# Download the the 11204 Binary OCT2023 version. dbaascli cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no Sample output [root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no DBAAS CLI version Executing command cswlib download --version 11204 --bp OCT2023 --bp_update no Job id: 8dab6933-9505-40a9-a398-c1ba46eae6e3 Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/download/dbaastools_2024-09-19_02-00-06-PM_166429.log Loading PILOT... Session ID of the current execution is: 40 Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/download/pilot_2024-09-19_02-00-10-PM_166741 ----------------- Running initialize job Completed initialize job ----------------- Running validate_url_reachability job Completed validate_url_reachability job ----------------- Running validate_image_tag_existence job Completed validate_image_tag_existence job ----------------- Running validate_free_space job Completed validate_free_space job ----------------- Running validate_file_permissions job Completed validate_file_permissions job ----------------- Running download_image job Image location=/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/dbnid/ Download succeeded Completed download_image job ----------------- Running decrypt job Completed decrypt job ----------------- Running post_download_update job Completed post_download_update job ----------------- Running verify_signature job Skipping verifySignature check because the catalog contains signed property as false Completed verify_signature job ----------------- Running validate_sha256sum job Skipping Sha256Sum check because the catalog does not contain sha256sum Skipping Sha256Sum check because the catalog does not contain sha256sum Completed validate_sha256sum job ----------------- Running update_file_permissions job Completed update_file_permissions job {"":{"file_list":[{"file":"/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/dbnid/"},{"file":"/var/opt/oracle/dbaas_acfs/dbnid/"}]}} dbaascli execution completed [root@exadevdb-01 ~]# List downloaded db images After downloading the image you can list local database binary images using cswLib listlocal. [opc@exadevdb-01 ~]$ sudo dbaascli cswLib listLocal DBAAS CLI version Executing command cswLib listLocal Job id: 0405333f-04d5-4043-97f6-0fa0a9eca51b Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/listLocal/dbaastools_2024-09-06_06-15-17-PM_154824.log Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/cswLib/listLocal/dbaastools_2024-09-06_06-15-17-PM_154824.log ############ List of Available Database Images ############# 1.IMAGE_TAG= IMAGE_SIZE=3GB VERSION= DESCRIPTION=11.2 OCT 2023 DB Image 2.IMAGE_TAG= IMAGE_SIZE=5GB VERSION= DESCRIPTION=19c JUL 2024 DB Image dbaascli execution completed [opc@exadevdb-01 ~]$ Create a new database home using 11g binary The next step is to create a database home [root@exadevdb-01 ~]# dbaascli dbhome create --version DBAAS CLI version Executing command dbhome create --version Job id: 615dc2e8-af82-47c1-8612-526082b6e9bf Session log: /var/opt/oracle/log/dbHome/create/dbaastools_2024-10-10_07-30-24-PM_99121.log Loading PILOT... Session ID of the current execution is: 34 Log file location: /var/opt/oracle/log/dbHome/create/pilot_2024-10-10_07-30-27-PM_99403 ----------------- Running Plugin_initialization job Acquiring native write lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_11.2.0_dbhome_1 Acquiring native write lock: OraHome2 Completed Plugin_initialization job ----------------- Running OH_image_validate job Completed OH_image_validate job ----------------- Running DB_home_version_check job Completed DB_home_version_check job ----------------- Running DB_home_environment_version_check job Completed DB_home_environment_version_check job ----------------- Running GI_version_check job Completed GI_version_check job ----------------- Running Validate_backup_location job Completed Validate_backup_location job ----------------- Running Cluster_nodes_check job Completed Cluster_nodes_check job ----------------- Running Validate_users_group job Completed Validate_users_group job ----------------- Running OH_image_download job Completed OH_image_download job ----------------- Running OH_image_version_check job Completed OH_image_version_check job ----------------- Running Disk_space_check job Completed Disk_space_check job Acquiring write lock: provisioning ----------------- Running Pre_OH_creation_lock_manager job Completed Pre_OH_creation_lock_manager job ----------------- Running OH_pre_existence_check job Completed OH_pre_existence_check job ----------------- Running Local_node_oh_image_unzip job Completed Local_node_oh_image_unzip job ----------------- Running OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job Completed OH_creation_cvu_prechecks job ----------------- Running Local_node_oh_clone job Completed Local_node_oh_clone job ----------------- Running Update_dbnid_bits job Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable. ----------------- Running Local_node_oh_backup_creation job Completed Local_node_oh_backup_creation job ----------------- Running Remote_nodes_software_copy job Completed Remote_nodes_software_copy job ----------------- Running Remote_nodes_attach_home job Completed Remote_nodes_attach_home job ----------------- Running Remote_nodes_post_install_steps job Skipping. Job is detected as not applicable. ----------------- Running Inventory_nodes_list_update job Completed Inventory_nodes_list_update job ----------------- Running Root_script_run job Completed Root_script_run job ----------------- Running Post_OH_creation_lock_manager job Completed Post_OH_creation_lock_manager job Releasing lock: provisioning ----------------- Running release_lock job Releasing native lock: OraHome2 Releasing native lock: _u02_app_oracle_product_11.2.0_dbhome_1 Completed release_lock job ----------------- Running Generate_dbhome_metadata job Completed Generate_dbhome_metadata job ----------------- Running Generate_dbhome_system_details job Acquiring native write lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation Releasing native lock: global_dbsystem_details_generation Completed Generate_dbhome_system_details job ----------------- Running Plugin_cleanup job Completed Plugin_cleanup job ---------- START OF PLUGIN RESULT ---------- {"ORACLE_HOME_NAME":"OraHome2","ORACLE_HOME":"/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1"} ---------- END OF PLUGIN RESULT ---------- dbaascli execution completed Conclusion While Oracle Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS) no longer officially supports provisioning new Oracle Database 11g instances through the OCI console, it is still possible to create and manage these databases using tools like dbaascli. This approach provides a practical solution for customers who rely on the stability and performance of Oracle 11g for mission-critical applications but face challenges in scheduling downtime or migrating to newer database versions. However, it’s essential to recognize the limitations of continuing to use an unsupported version, such as missing out on critical security updates, performance enhancements, and new features offered by modern versions like Oracle Database 19c or 23c AI. Organizations are encouraged to develop a long-term migration strategy to align with Oracle's support roadmap and ensure the sustainability of their database operations.