Housework - We All Have To Do It

8 months ago 13

Housework is something that everyone has to do - whether you like it or not. Washing your floors, vacuuming, scrubbing your toilets, laundry...the list goes on and on. For some people - they spend an entire day cleaning, purging, decluttering, organizing.....  It's time to revolt! I don't want to spend my entire Saturday scubbing toilets or doing laundry! I want to play outside - hike, garden, read magazines, watch movies, call friends..... do anything except waste a beautiful day off being stuck doing housework! So what's the answer - well -"break it up"! There is no "rule" that you have to clean your house on a Saturday (or your day off). You can do it whenever you want to - really!  Think about how long each task takes and work it into your week - 15 or 20 minutes every day is something that everyone can do (yes - you do have that time available).  Throw a load of laundry in when you come home from work and it will be done after dinner (you are not watching the washing machine - so don't say it takes too long). You can fold the clothes the next day if you want. Vacuum one day after dinner. Dust another day. Wash your kitchen floor another day. Clean the bathroom another day. Each task only takes a few minutes (probably under 30 minutes). So break your cleaning into inidividual tasks and schedule one each day. That way you aren't spending an entire day cleaning your home and complaining that you would rather be doing something else. We all would (let's be honest!). By being creative and working the things that we have to do into our day when it suits us - we can still accomplish everything we need to - but it won't seem like just a big task. Happy House Cleaning! Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life Organizational Consulting Services Visit our Life & Business Coaching website:  North By Northwest *** check out the Products tab for self-paced workshops, planners and more....   

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