I finished the memory bears! I did end up hand sewing them. Then set off to mail them away to Canada. Little did I know that somewhere along the line, someone who insert their value as $4000!! My poor niece was told she couldn’t have them unless she paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars in … Continue reading Bear! Bear!
I finished the memory bears! I did end up hand sewing them. Then set off to mail them away to Canada.
Little did I know that somewhere along the line, someone who insert their value as $4000!! My poor niece was told she couldn’t have them unless she paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars in duties.
She was able to challenge it. It took about six weeks to get them to give the bears back to her. I don’t know what they were doing in the meantime but I’d like to think they were having grand adventures with all the other packages being held up by Customs. Lord knows who they meet or what they got up to!

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©Virginia Spencer, thepurpledogpaintingblog.com, 2023