As Christians, we are supposed to be against abortion in all circumstances, right? We vote for whoever will tell us they are against abortion even if they will destroy our country in every way. Babies are all that matter, do … Continue reading →
As Christians, we are supposed to be against abortion in all circumstances, right? We vote for whoever will tell us they are against abortion even if they will destroy our country in every way. Babies are all that matter, do I have that right? Nothing else is ever supposed to matter.
Then why do I hear so much about if someone is legal or illegal? Do babies stop mattering depending on where they live? Do they matter north of the Rio Grande but are expendable south of that same river?
If you know me, I am a Christian. I am against abortion being used as birth control, but I am aware a total ban or only voting based on a politician’s claims about abortion is not Christian and is very short-sighted.
And declaring some lives more valuable because they are legal, whether overtly or by actions, is not Christian. Either all people are valuable, or they are not. If we want to use our faith to pick and choose one life over another, then we surrender our claims concerning voting pro-life. You are either pro-life, or you are not.