June 2, 2024

4 months ago 36

FROM ILLINOIS CENTER-LEFT SOURCES ABC7— Donald Trump’s felony convictions likely bring new restrictions for his rights. Trump still faces three other felony indictments. – Julia Reinsteinhttps://abc7chicago.com/post/donald-trump-felony-convictions-restrictions-his-rights/14900903/— Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with University of Chicago police near graduation in Hyde Park. One woman says she was pepper sprayed in the face. – Evelyn Holmeshttps://abc7chicago.com/post/convocation-uchicago-pro-palestinian-protest-hyde-park-clashes/14900556/— At least 13 … Continue reading "June 2, 2024" The post June 2, 2024 appeared first on GOPUSA Illinois.

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