9 months ago 62

The war the West is waging has as its focus the elimination of national powers who have risen to an extent where its long-held power of global domination is at imminent risk of virtual extinction. It is a pathetic spectacle to watch how the previously mighty West is fallen. Now we see their true, ugly face, that evil face which has frowned down on so many past mass murders and plethora of despicable other acts. We see the present militaristic scramble of the West is a vain attempt to retain its global dominance and continue its malignant control. This in the face of its increasing rejection by the nations of the global south. The wrongheaded notion by the western powers that they and only they are entitled to stipulate right from wrong worldwide has led them to their present position where they are fighting a losing to retain a status fast slipping from them. Once nations they were used to being able to manipulate became able to economically resist them the game was up. Using their greatly reduced ability to threaten and cajole only increased and confirmed the perception the need to escape from their grip and influence. In the past few days the latest puppet of whatever power the collective West still retains, Vladimir Zelensky, has experienced first hand the rejection of the notion that what the West says still counts. 'According to the Washington Post, Kiev has “failed to generate in Asia the same sort of emotional, existential angst that it has in much of the West.” Part of the reason may be that Asian nations have long been skeptical about the West “preaching about the international order and universal values,” the newspaper writes.  The western powers are nearing the end of their ability to coerce others into respecting them, obeying them, bowing down to them and acceding to their wishes. This is the result of an evolution in the economic field that is impossible to reverse although this is the overwhelming focus of all western geopolitical efforts currently. Used to getting its own way on almost every issue the West is now confronted with its former slaves freeing themselves and standing against the West's efforts to enslave them once more. The fact is that it even appears that western powers consider that no world at all is better than a world they can no longer control. This is the essence of the world war we see being waged in front of our eyes now. Such is the desperation with which the West is waging this war that almost any weapon is likely to be used, no matter how destruction it may be and how many lives may be lost in its use. The rabid need of western political and business elites to retain global dominance makes them act as obvious criminals in these circumstances. All pretenses of adhering to the democratic or moral/ethical principles they have constantly and sanctimoniously espoused are being dropped.  There is no telling where the urgency of the West to reassert its dominance will lead. With permanently fixed minds allowing no chink of any alternative viewpoint within them they appear ready to use every criminal device open to them. Like a previously dominant but now dying animal, lashing out at foes either real or imagined surrounding them, they collectively act in whatever way, insanely criminal or not, that they believe will allow their survival and continued dictatorial dominance. 

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