4 months ago 57

We are in the most dangerous epoch humanity has ever known. Only one side in the war now being waged can win. You may think the sides involved are only the West & Russia. But there is one more... us. There is a reason why the current crop of politicians in high places among the western powers are escalating so frantically in Ukraine and it has nothing inherently to do with Russia. The fact is that they know their populations are not behind them in their warmongering stance to the situation in Ukraine and are in a mood to throw them out of office. Macron is most in danger and it appears unlikely that the French people will allow another western stooge to be inserted into their midst to offset a victory by Marine le Pen. In Germany Sholtz and his lamentable team are despised. Their poll ratings are hitting rock bottom. In the USA Biden and his team of warmongers have become a bad joke. Populations across what is loosely called the western world are clearly determined to stop the political juggernaut that their current woeful band of leaders seems determined to drive toward World War Three. Massive demonstrations for peace and against the current wars in both the Middle East and Ukraine have been held in both Berlin and Budapest this week. It is certain that there will be many more of even larger size before long. That diplomacy has been abandoned is clear. The western powers, intent on supporting ever more war have lost the little faith that their populations previously had in them. Sunak in Britain appears certain to be first to go. Then Macron. After them Biden. Just as after the illegal war against Iraq many leaders of the West were removed from power so it will be again. Advocating, initiating and promulgating war, known from previous western regime change wars as hideous tragedies for all concerned, is now anathema to the vast majority of everyday people in the West.  Western politicians may well wish to cling to the system of threat, coercion and military violence to keep their dominant position in the world but at this stage they are absolutely and woefully out of step with their populations. Those populations are thoroughly sickened by the lust for ever more war they perceive in their political elites. They see also that those same elites wish to shut them up, censoring them from voicing their views and denying them the right to insist their leaders and servants do the bidding of their electorates rather than engage in murderous geopolitical interventions. Enormous fear and anger has been generated by the knowledge that western elites wish to create totalitarian states where they can control their electorates rather than work for them will surely result in them being removed from power as they cannot end elections though they appear to wish very much to do so. Western ‘know best’ elites have been seduced by the power they exerted over their electorate during the covid plandemic and if they are given the slightest chance they will attempt to build on the control mechanisms they so actively engaged in during that time. This is another reason for the voting public to rid themselves of them. The ultimate goal of the western political elites is to create a hermetically sealed surveillance system of the entire planet. They think this will keep them eternally safe from 9/11-type events. By creating a satellite spy network that provides universal coverage after eliminating all opposition they hope to have us all thoroughly controlled in perpetuity.  Hopefully, before very long we will see these wannabe dictators fall like ninepins, turfed out of office and true public servants put in their place. If not then we will be marched forward into a prison planet where so-called democracy is exposed as the sham it always truly was. Eyes that have remained closed for so very long now will at last be opened. Hopefully before it is too late and the supposedly democratic systems close down ALL dissent from their skewed narratives in a system of liberal “democratic” totalitarianism. We all need those open eyes now. To see the true nature of the criminal elite who have attempted to blind us all. There is time to do it… just enough. Vitally, let us make sure that it is the western warmongers who run out of time… and not us.      

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