Sunak the D- Day Dodger

9 months ago 72

  Many are stumped by Rishi Sunak’s decision to cut short his attendance at the D Day 80th Anniversary Memorial observances to get back to do a TV interview. Never mind the lack of patriotism: it looked like political suicide. But then, it looked like political suicide when Sunak called the election, down so far in the polls, with months to go on his mandate. And it seemed a strange lapse when he unnecessarily called it outdoors in the rain, without an umbrella; when he posed before an Exit sign for the photographers; or gave a campaign s at the Titanic Museum. What on earth, they wonder, can be going on?  Can Sunak and his advisors all be so incompetent? God would seem to be intervening in events. It works through our consciences: those who know they are in the wrong will, over time, deliberately sabotage themselves. They will taunt fate, until they are finally caught. When the police finally do catch a serial killer, the murderer falls asleep—and sleeps for some time. It is as if a great weight has been taken off their shoulders. At last all the tension is gone, and things are back as they ought to be. Dostoyevsky captured the sentiment in Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment. This is why trials by ordeal, and duels, were once used to achieve justice. This is why, in war, if one side clearly has the moral high ground, they will win. Sunak and the Tories know they have betrayed their supporters, and botched things through their intraparty power struggles. Sunak knows nobody elected him, and he is illegitimate. They cannot bear the pressure. They cannot rest until they are properly chastised for it. We see something similar with Trudeau’s government in Canada. They have become gradually more brazen in their abuse of power. Caught out on the Covid vaccine, they demanded total lockdowns and a vaccine mandate. Called out on the lockdowns and the mandate, they responded by declaring the Emergency Act and seizing bank accounts. Faced with spiralling inflation from their spending, they double down on the carbon tax, alienating their strongest regional base. And try to force farmers to grow less food, limiting fertilizer. And they keep passing laws to silence dissent. Recently, when a Conservative on committee demanded the names of MPs who seem to be guilty of treason, of aiding foreign powers to spy on Canadians, the response from the Liberal across the table was “Boo Hoo.” This makes no sense given that they must eventually face the voters. They are saying, in effect, “I dare you all to vote us out of office.” Given the polls, it cannot be arrogance. It is more like hysteria. The same is true for the Biden administration and its acolytes, prosecuting Trump and his colleagues. Did they fix the 2020 election? Of course they did; they are quite openly trying to fix 2024. It amounts to an admission of guilt. The same is so for the “woke” left as a whole. They have collectively jumped the shark. Their demands seem almost deliberately unreasonable. Now we must, for example, pretend that men are women, or be prosecuted. This makes things weird for the moment, but it also means that the collapse of the left is in progress, and is inevitable.  'Od's Blog: Catholic comments on the passing parade.

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