8 months ago 97

Is there an invisible man in the sky who watches everything we do who will send us to an afterlife of indescribable & unrelenting torment if we infringe against what he demands we do... but loves us? It is quite obvious if you look at this objectively rather than through the deep level of cultural conditioning that we have been subjected to for so long now in the West. We have been conditioned through our long term state-favoured narratives on this subject to believe in something for which there is not an iota of hard evidence. This should remind us of other similar attempts at conditioning which the populations of the western world are currently experiencing. Many in the West continue to believe that Russia is the aggressor against an entirely innocent Ukraine. It is unsurprising that many continue to believe these carefully manufactured lies as they have essentially become all-pervasive in the mainstream. Every mainstream channel that delivers what it claims to be valid information that all and sundry should believe sing from the same hymn sheet (no pun intended). The barrage of contentions that maintain Russia is all wrong and Ukraine (and western political elites) all right is constant, day and night, in a virtually 24/7 attempt to hammer home these “facts”. For two thousand years the entire western world has been subjected to the same effort to condition every mind on the veracity of the various concepts of Christianity and its God. Just as western publics are expected to believe what they are told about Russia and Ukraine since 2014 so the many western generations over the last two thousand years have been expected to believe what they were told about their state religion. And further, the punishment for not believing in both cases have been many and consistently applied. It could be said that the punishment against Christian heretics has ameliorated in recent generations and I would agree on this. However, we certainly all know the bloody history of their treatment down the ages. The fevered atmosphere regarding early societies where science was still in its infancy and means to deal with plagues, storms, droughts, floods, invasion and suchlike left open the possibility for a hierarchy of religious pundits to espouse their magical thinking on these subjects. In a similar way the think tank pundits of today provide an inexhaustible supply of anti-Russian assertions along with what is clearly an army of social media “experts” who relate every day how Ukraine is defeating Russia. The term properly used for all this is the one that is used against the “blasphemy” of pro-Russian or pro-Peace sentiment, ‘Fake News’.  All religions I would contend are archaic fake news. Concoctions of a desire to predict and propitiate events that are essentially out of human control. When some devastation has just occurred or a return of such devastation, whatever it may be, is feared, then believing in something, almost anything, that might mitigate that disaster appears preferable to doing nothing. So it has been with all religions across the planet in my view. This plus the desire as individuals to become better, whatever that better state may signify. This in itself is no bad thing of course. Though I would assert that this motivation would be better served outside of making oneself subservient to received ideas but rather simply attempting to be good and do good. Making people be good through dint of punishment by an invisible being in the sky is not, I would say, anything anywhere near approaching an optimum wellness programme. Threatening people with endless punishment and some torment in some specially prepared hell if they do not conform to expectation but instead wish to follow their own inner feelings is quite obviously a control mechanism. It is a control mechanism obviously harsher by far than that exerted by western elites today regarding acceptable views on the conflict in Ukraine or any other issue where western interests are at stake.  Those who profess to be practicing Christians and who believe in the concept of a Christian God like to try to convince others to be like them. Though many have maintained over the years that there is no evidence at all to support these beliefs this does not stop convinced Christians from attempting to push their beliefs on them every chance they get. In the same way the political elites of the West and their “church”, the mass media use every way through all available institutions to push their Russia-Ukraine narrative and those who deign to disagree are always met with virulent criticism by those who claim to be ‘in the know’. This ‘know best’ majority scoff at those who attempt to point out the misinformation channeled down from the western elites, calling them ‘useful idiots’. In a similar fashion, convinced Christians tend to give the impression that they are privy to ‘the right stuff’, the golden seam of truth whereas all skeptics, agnostics and atheists are somehow out of touch with reality. This when the reverse is so much more obviously the case. Believing in something without a shred of evidence to support that thing and only because it makes you ‘feel good’ or ‘makes sense’ of the world to you is no doubt exactly how those attacking Russia today justify themselves also. Group Think is a powerful thing. As is the Placebo Effect. At the very least perhaps stop proselytizing. Quit the propaganda in other words. We, the skeptics have no need for your conditioning. Just as we have no need for the anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian conditioning so prevalent in the West. We prefer to discover the reality through maintaining an inquiring mind. Believing things merely because we are told to will never be our choice.  

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