Why did the left seemed so surprised by Biden's horrific performance last night? What did they THINK would happen?

8 months ago 80

 Last night’s crushing defeat seems to have forced the leftists to acknowledge what the GOP has claimed for years. For several of those years, Republicans have warned the American people that, in effect, Biden was a brain-damaged dementia patient. And for years, the left ignored their OWN EYES and denied it. Every screw up. Every tuned out episode. Every time this guy babbled. Democrats denied it. I claimed from the start that if Biden was too brain damaged to face charges for his theft of documents then by definition, he was far too damaged to be president. And what did the left have to say? They STILL insisted on their double standard of justice. Most recently, their claim the video of him wandering around at the G7 was a “cheap fake,” and that those videos had been altered somehow. They weren’t. The damage this man has caused will take decades to repair. Is there any doubt that Biden wasn’t/isn’t calling the shots? So, who gets the blame for this? 1. The White House. The staff surrounding Biden gaslit us like you wouldn’t believe. They lied repeatedly about his faux pas and obvious signs of dementia. They propped him up because they knew Roundheels would be a disaster if she replaced him. But they SHOULD have known that when they allowed her to get the VP slot in the first place. 2. The Media. Leftist hatred is the main plank of the MSM for the past decade. They were frequently lying to cover Biden and constantly attacked those who questioned his fitness. THIS MAN’S FINGER IS ON THE NUCLEAR TRIGGER AND HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT PLANET HE’S ON. Last night’s debacle was an indictment of every network, every fringe-left swindle sheet from the local Democratian to the New York Times. They knew. AND THEY REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH. Even now, some leftist talking heads are doing all they can to effort excuses, reasons, blame… BECAUSE THEY STILL REFUSE TO TELL THE TRUTH. 3. Senate/Congressional democrats. EVERY democrat in the Senate or in the House knew. And instead of putting their country first? They chose to consistently lie to the American people. They failed in their duty. They failed US.  ALL OF US. So now, they’re almost claustrophobic in their panic. But they brought this on themselves. Even though it likely wouldn’t have helped given their pathetic alternatives. But as miserable as their options are, they had the opportunity to at least be honorable about it. They would have, as a party, made much more mileage out of an effort to do the right thing than, instead, be ruled by their delusions; their lies, their multiple failures in their duty to the United States. So what of our enemies? The Chinese called it “entertaining.” I call it a golden opportunity to attack us because if they’re not going to do it now under Biden’s control? They’ll never do it. No, last night was the culmination of leftist lies, leftist thirst for power, leftist indecency. They brought it on to themselves for refusing to accept reality. And they deserve what they’re going to get as a result.

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