4 months ago 73

The edifice of lies, corruption and criminality that is the Kiev regime, along with their unholy western sponsors... is about to collapse in ignominy. With the harebrained Kursk operation we are seeing the latest and very probably last desperate attempt of Zelensky’s minions to stay relevant. It has very much the look of a slow-motion suicide about it. Multiple expert commentators across the western world are remarking upon the folly involved, many pointing out the complete lack of any strategic or tactical goal of any importance within this act of desperation.  To send forces into a small portion of the Russian Federation when you are being beaten hollow elsewhere, ultimately to be surrounded and beaten back with major losses makes no operational, tactical or strategic sense. It is an exercise in complete futility, throwing away lives and military machines with no significant benefit. The only target of any significance is the nuclear power plant in the Kursk region which was always going to be out of reach to the relatively puny force sent in. Now, with the only possible goal of any merit being unattained, the purpose of staying in position or attempting to move further is simply compounding an already dire situation. Russian forces sent to the Kursk region are now closing in on the remaining Ukrainian forces and their mercenary sidekicks. Just a few days into Kiev’s brain-addled operation already more than one thousand of the incursion force is dead or wounded. Many more are destined to add to this total the longer this misbegotten op continues. The Kiev regime is running out of hapless young and old men to grab off the street and force to the front lines. It is losing, on average, some 60,000 of its troops per month to the better equipped, better resourced and better trained Russians. Obviously this is unsustainable. The days when Ukrainians volunteered with foolish enthusiasm to join the fight are long gone. Now they rush with all the energy they can muster toward the borders of Ukraine hoping to escape their certain fate, to be sent to their deaths with a minimum of training. The baleful state of the Ukrainian army, facing an extremely battle-hardened and determined Russian army has begun to show with utmost clarity over the last few weeks. Russian territorial gains have been quickening in the number of villages liberated from Ukrainian troops more likely to run away than stand and fight. More and more are making the wise decision to surrender. Meanwhile back in western Ukraine hundreds of vehicles used by the hated security forces who grab men off the street and send them to the front, have been torched. And the number of street protests against this lost war are mounting. Ever since it became clear that the economic and financial sanctions against Russia mounted by the western powers had failed and had indeed been counterproductive (economic growth in Russia appears unstoppable) it was clear that the Kiev regime was doomed along with their unfortunate army. Now, at this stage with Russia pushing relentlessly forward meeting ever-lessening resistance the regime is reduced to even greater levels of public relations gimmickry and theatrical displays bringing them nothing but obsequious and soon redundant western mainstream headlines. Zelensky has been able to play western populations like a fiddle up to quite recently, aided to the hilt by a western mass media that has been 100% compliant in channel every lie he has spoken as if it was Holy Writ. Zelensky has been compared to Winston Churchill and feted across Europe as a hero. Unfortunately for him however western audiences that fell for such twaddle have increasingly realized how they were mercilessly deceived by those they trusted to provide their news and are extremely angry to have been so brazenly misled. Multiple power plays have been seen occurring within the corrupt hierarchy of Zelensky’s court. Intrigue and murder feature as keynote signs that the facade of probity so desperately manufactured to dupe western populations is fast crumbling.  The ridiculous assertion concerning Ukraine as a ‘democratic nation’ when its president has banned all opposition and all media that might support it is sounding increasingly hollow. The corruption at the heart of Kiev is being exposed for all to see. Zelensky’s days as Ukraine’s president without a mandate (presidential elections should have been held months ago) are surely numbered. As soon as the penny drops sufficiently across the collective west that he is a certain loser he is certain to be persona non grata, an embarrassment to those who once lauded him in order to deceive their populations. Already mentions of his name are fewer and fewer, not only among western populations but even more obviously across western mass media. Soon he (and Ukraine) will enter the same memory hole that Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya were delivered into by western media after the West lost so publicly. A great silence is about to befall almost everything to do with Ukraine. The ‘next big thing’, China will consume news anchors and newspaper/internet headlines very soon after the latest distraction, Iran. All that happened in Ukraine will move quickly to a couple of paragraphs on the equivalent of the sixth page of the NYT before getting lost entirely. Only those of us who have followed this regime change gone wrong insanity from the beginning will retain anything of significance from this most egregious, murderous and unholy western elite failures. 

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