A New Hope

6 months ago 43

  I said some time ago that the only hope for America, and for the West, was a religious revival. It was for God to step in. I think he’s doing it. Apparently, according to recent polling, the proportion of Christians is growing again in the US, and the proportion of atheists declining. This reverses a trend since the 1960s.  We are seeing celebrity after celebrity publicly convert: Candace Owens, Joe Rogan (partly), Jordan Peterson, Stuart Brand, Ayan Hirsi Ali.  I think this is largely a reaction to Islamism. People are coming to realize that the values of liberal democracy and human rights have a specifically Christian foundation, and that secular humanism has no response to Islamism. Christianity is the only adequate response. It is also a reaction to the New Atheism. Inadvertently, Dawkins and the horsemen reintroduced the arguments for the excistence of God by reviving the argument explicitly. Making more people aware that the arguments for God’s existence are philosophically stronger than the case for atheism. We have seen a renaissance in Christian apologetics. At the same time, the msterialist attempt to discredit religion and replace it with the great god Science is collapsing. Darwinian evolution seems no longer tenable; it was with Darwin that the notion began that religion and science were opposed. Physics now argues for a beginning to the universe and a design. Life could not have happened by chance. The social sciences, most directly invented as a replacement for religion,  are being discredited, partly by the scandal of unreproducible results, partly because of the growing problems of addiction and mental illness since we handed our souls over to this approach, partly because they are so obviously at variance now with common sense and the physical senses as, for example, to endorse transgenderism. The collapse of the Covid coverups adds further momentum to the retreat from the scientistic idol. Also at the same time, it is increasingly evident, I think, to the conscience of the average man and woman, that the world is dividing into camps of good and evil; and religion is on the side of good, irreligion evil. That polarization is shown recently by the swing of honest leftists like Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Jimmy Dore, and RFK Jr. over to the right, where they find themselves hobnobbing with the religious. That this all seems to be happening at once suggests the hand of the divine. Even before noticing that new and powerful evidence is coming out that the Shroud of Turin is authentic, and that its authenticity was deliberately suppressed by the secularists back in the 1980s. And eucharistic miracles are popping up all over, and uncorrupt corpses.  Not to mention Trump’s miraculous survival of an assassination attempt, eerily reminiscent of one Washington survived at the nation’s founding. The change has come. 'Od's Blog: Catholic comments on the passing parade.

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