
4 months ago 33

Since relocating to East Tennessee I have found it hard to get people to understand California, particularly when it comes to covid.  They just cannot get their heads around what it is actually like.  Image has a lot to do with that.  California is a beautiful place, but it is also a place of great contrast.  I have described in these spaces before a trip to the Bay Area where when driving down the freeway I could look right and see a gorgeous view of the bay and Golden Gate then turn my head to the left and see a massive homeless encampment.  So many contrasts make it hard to develop an actual picture, we tend to pick an image rather than try to reconcile the contrasts.  Like that beautiful Victorian house that looks so lovely sitting on the corner, then you get near it and find the porch rotten and the back facade without paint.  With the coming of Kamala Harris to the POTUS race, the problems of California have come to us all. The post Kamalafornia appeared first on The Hugh Hewitt Show.

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