19 hrs ago 12

Two Ukraine wars are being waged. One on the battlefronts where Russia is winning a war of attrition. And one on western media where Russia is apparently being annihilated. Even as Zelensky is forced to flee and the Ukrainian army is in full retreat you can be sure that the commentators across western mainstream media used to provide their “expertise” will be saying Russia is losing the war. Such is the degree of wishful thinking and Ukraine-positive material that issues from these sources and those like them. This is as a result of the restrictions that a ‘war mode’ environment places on all those commenting on the situation in Ukraine in the western mainstream.  No statement can be made that portrays Russia in anything remotely resembling a positive light. Russia must always be losing all of the time and always be depicted in an evil light. Conversely all statements concerning the Kiev regime and its military must be positive at all times. This environment of partial blindness is due in the main to self-censorship rather than overt censorship.  This is how it undoubtedly how this system works: As Noam Chomsky once pointed out to BBC journalist Andrew Marr it’s not as if overt censorship is taking place, it’s simply that if his mindset was any different he would not be sitting where he is now, he would have failed the interview or been sacked long before. Only those with the “correct” attitudes and viewpoints are allowed to enter the ranks of the established news entities of the West. Similarly, those “experts” who are regularly called upon to voice their views on Russia and Ukraine are well known to the BBC/CNN editors whose task is to select the “right” people to expound on these subjects. Hence we receive the “wisdom” of these experts whose opinions have been thoroughly vetted beforehand. They need not necessarily be seeking to deceive, all that is necessary is that they know their general view and that they can rely on the “correct” views being expressed. As to the great many relentlessly pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian YouTubers, they are without doubt a mixed bag of either avid wishful-thinkers, congenital Russia haters, those who have swallowed previous state and media anti-Russian campaigns and without question a good seasoning of western intelligence agency sock puppets. It is here more than in any other source you will find the endless bigging up of the Ukrainian regime and all its doings, the tremendous successes of the Ukrainian military in destroying this, that and the other Russian military asset. Their determination to condemn Russia, laugh at Russia and Russians and generally maximize the morale of the whole anti-Russia, pro-Ukraine industry and all who work within it, is obvious. In the tasks above they receive enormous help from Google and virtually all other search engines who use algrithms which are arranged to search for and provide only pro-Ukrainian articles, videos and links no matter the word combination searched for. In addition to all of the above we have the anti-Putin, anti-Russia articles appearing constantly in the western press. It cannot be so confidently said that a relatively innocent process is underway as may be the case in respect of tame academics, retired military men and so forth. These latter no doubt hold the views they express in all sincerity. They are merely being used as tame media animals by their media handlers. Newspaper editors know exactly what they are doing and the lies thy are having their “journalists” tell. These “journalists” can be relied upon to reflect the anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian views required. It is certain also that just in previous times when the CIA’s ‘Operation Mockingbird’ was in action there is no doubt still today considerable “assistance” in the content and composition of many newspaper and magazine articles by western intelligence agencies. Operation Mockingbird, the most famous fake news operation of all time attempted to infiltrate every major media organization across the United States. No doubt there were also British, German, French, Italian equivalents along with all other nations within the western orbit. The goal was to have every issuance of news reflect western state narratives so as to assist western state foreign policy goals and agendas. During this time the stream of fake news was created to condition western views concerning the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, but we can be sure that the same techniques used then still operate to this day, aimed now at Russia, China and any other states the western powers conceive to be valid targets. Adding to this effort and closely aligned with it is the whole area of psychological operations (PSYOPS). PsyOps teams deal with every form of subterfuge that can be used as a weapon against whatever enemies as designated by western state agencies. Counterfeit documents and fake stories are two of Psyop mainstays. Sometimes authors known to be sympathetic to the cause (whatever that might be, though always to boost western goals) are used. In this case no coaching is required except perhaps to suggest an area of concern and then let the individual have at it. In other cases in-house CIA members specifically employed within the organization write the required articles. The articles from both sources are then seeded within nations far from their source of writing. The intention is of course to disguise their origin and thus make them more convincing as they appear to merit genuine belief due to emerging from sources not immediately identified with their originators. The net aim and effect of all of the above is to thoroughly condition mass western perceptions and viewpoints, molding them to the wartime needs of the coalition of western states waging their proxy war against Russia, using Ukraine as a tool.  The truth shall set you free they say. Freeing oneself from all mainstream news inputs is the vital starting point of this process. Then… finding those with no particular dog in the Ukraine race online, those with an honest intent to report what is happening on the front lines as accurately as they can, rather than reflect what is occurring in the minds of western political elites.

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