Violence related to the election? Count on it.

4 days ago 2

 It's 4:30am as I've started to write this. Sleep is hard to come by. I look at my cam monitor at the US Flag, lit up by a spot light tonight as it has been for the 5 years I've lived in this place. And I am worried. Leftist political violence is nothing new, but it's certainly ratcheted up over the years. The months long debacle of free-range rioting in Portland, aided and abetted by an allied, incompetent city government, comes to mind. Domestic terrorists taking over city blocks of the city of my birth, resulting in 2 murders, a serious wounding, robbery, extortion And leftist scum rejoicing, such as then-Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan comparing that thuggery *felons handing out weapons like samples, for example) labeling THAT insurrection as "democracy." Two things are evident based on history since the start of this century: As fringe-left government continues to support fringe-left violence, by defunding police or Soros owned and operated district attorneys/prosecutors (Multnomah County District Attorney's Office, for example) dropping or dramatically reducing charges; activist judges ignoring sentencing laws and the like... foment additional violence by literally thousands who rarely face accountability for their actions who face off with neutered police, sending these same scum a clear message that their actions are supported by the governments across this country who allow this insanity as they strive to prove they're aligned more with the domestic terrorists infesting us. There is no doubt that, possibly beginning even before election night, we are looking at another replay of the leftist version of Krystallnacht from 1938... Except, regardless of who wins on November 5th, rioting by leftists WILL happen. And, as the fringe-left playbook dictates, government in these leftists cities will react the same way they've done in the past... for example when No Balz Walz allowed Minneapolis to burn.... and Ted Wheeler and then former Oregon Governor Kate Brown allowed Portland to be burned, assaulted, pillaged, raped and murdered not that long ago. These riots will be in every city of any size. And the leftist response will again be to support these efforts; the damage, the destroyed businesses, and the hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars in damages both caused and allowed by these same governments through their tacit and actual support of the perpetrators. Years ago, I pointed out that politics WOULD become increasingly violent as that was both the trend and the reality as I observed it. Sadly, this is one of those instances where I had hoped to be wrong. Former President Trump has been twice targeted (and possibly 3 times) by leftists stirred to act by the incessant, never-ending leftist drumbeat of hate directed towards him and his supporters. Leftist politicians and their media acolytes never stop. Never let up. And these attempts against Mr. Trump will not be the only ones. Leftists have been programed to the extent that many even applaud hamas for the despicable massacre of children, women and men a year ago. Efforts to eliminate Mr. Trump will continue repeatedly when he is elected as it appears he will be. And, possibly even after if he were to lose. To have the capacity to express such hatred and bigotry is pure 4th Reichism. But it goes to the larger point. As election time nears, you will sadly need to be hyper vigilant, particularly for those living in or around fringe-left enclaves where government and agencies support this political violence as they so frequently have in the past. As these threats ramp up, elected officials should strive towards defusing the situation now, by pre-planning efforts with the National Guard to maintain the peace in the face of this obvious adversity. Those efforts should be loud and public. And they should implement a system where those arrested (in the few cases they will be... most aren't, or in the alternative, most have their charges dropped against them) are actually held accountable for their actions. Every effort should be made by government at every level to protect their citizenry in the face of these threats. But we all know, in far too many cases, they won't. If you're not armed, get armed. If you are, look into additional purchases of ammunition. Brief your families on safety. Set up emergency planning which will insure continuing communication and security. Again, hopefully, I am flat, dead, wrong. I pray that cooler heads will prevail. But I also know that history will be repeated because much has been learned about it, but sadly, those who have attacked us in the past, for the most part, have also learned they have, essentially zero reason to avoid attacking us in the future. "Tolerance" can be a great thing. But like peanut butter, consuming too much of it can cause problems. And there's zero reason to believe these issues of violence will be anything less than they've been in the past; since, after all, from the rioter's perspective, why wouldn't it be? Prepare. Be safe. Avoid large gatherings that would be golden targets for these and other terrorists. Clearly, antifa types (our erstwhile fringe-left congressman, antifa-Marie notwithstanding) are not our only threats. Prepare for the worst... and hope for the best. Just don't count on it. And, for the record, I totally support everyone's right to protest. But your right to protests ends at the tip of my nose. You have no right to commit criminal acts. No right to block streets, take over neighborhoods, loot businesses, assault or murder those who disagree with you and the like. Nothing says "social justice" like cleaning out a Louis Vuitton store. The insanity of causing hundreds of millions of dollars in damages in cities which, by and large, support many of your demands cannot be overstated. It's as insane as the alphabet community supporting terrorists in gaza who, given their ability to do so, would execute the members of these groups in an instant without giving it a second thought. To each their own. And remember: we all have the governments, as incompetent as they may be, we deserve.

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