The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being discussed rather than western propaganda fantasies. The West, through the agency of the Ukrainian regime, manipulated the Russian Federation president and administration into beginning its special military operation on February 24th 2022. The operation to take the Donbass was in order to safeguard the Russian-speaking population there from the then eight year attacks upon them by the Ukrainian military and associated militias. The special military operation was initiated with great reluctance, with Russia attempting to resolve the situation between the nations diplomatically. The object of the operation was to have the Ukrainian regime fulfill its agreed obligations according to the protocols the Ukrainian authorities signed in Minsk which were subsequently ratified at the United Nations. The Ukrainians reneged on this diplomatic initiative and foreswore the road to peace, choosing war instead. Russia’s special military operation sought to bring the Ukrainians back to the negotiating table and implement the obligations it had signed up to. As well as preserving the rights of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass region to live in autonomy as they wished, Russia’s campaign also had the goal of preventing Ukraine from becoming a member of NATO and thus a permanent threat to the Russian state and to the people of Russia. Every effort was made by the Russian authorities for over almost a decade to find a peaceful resolution to the situation that began, at western insistence in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital in the winter of 2013-14. All efforts by Russia to find a peaceful, diplomatic pathway to a peaceful resolution were thwarted by the western powers who saw an opportunity to weaken Russia, possibly bring about regime change there and break the Russian Federation into pieces divided by ethnic differences. The western powers believed that their economic sanctions regime along with the large amount of financial and human resources Russia would need in its war against the Ukrainian regime would break Russia. Instead, across all areas, military and economic Russia has grown stronger. Russia is now pressing forward faster than at any time since the initial months of its special military operation, Ukrainian military forces are buckling, desertions are becoming ever more frequent and the number deserting is steadily increasing. Russia cannot now be stopped from attaining her goals. Russia is achieving those goals and will be the ultimate winner of this war that it never wished to wage. Attempts to freeze the conflict with a view to re-arming and re-constituting Ukraine's armed forces will not be accepted by Russia. Russia will instead press forward with its advantageous military campaign, moving ever closer to the Dnieper River and outright victory followed by a permanent peace with a new president and government elected in what remains of Ukraine. Some question why it has taken Russia so long to gain a conclusive victory in Ukraine. This question emanates from an ignorance of the realities on the ground that existed on February 24th 2022 when Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine. The two Ukrainian regimes since the Maidan coup in winter 2013-14 were given every possible technical, economic and military assistance to build the most hardened defense systems ever seen. These stretched over 1,000 kilometers in serried ranks using the super-hard structures built during Soviet times along with extensive new trench systems. The combined effect was an ultra-strong barrier from which to attack the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region who they sought to ethnically cleanse or commit outright genocide upon. It has taken to now, almost three years long, to break the massive Ukrainian defenses partly because Russia, unlike the USA and its allies does not use maximal attack methods that inevitably result in large civilian casualties. Those on the other side of the border from Russia, in Ukraine are considered by Russians brother and sister Slavs and there is no wish on any Russian's part to harm them if this can possibly be avoided. Hence the movement of Russian forces has been characterised by a slow forward process using a careful attritional approach. This saves lives and while doing so means that supply line logistics can be brought forward with consistently safeguarded approach. The Near Future. Ukraine: Slowly, consistently, and with great care Russia moves forward to an inevitable, final, and conclusive victory where a permanent peace settlement between the two nations will be finally agreed. At that point the road to recovering some semblance of stability in the region will begin. Those in what remains of Ukraine will elect a president and government that seeks peace and reconciliation with Russia rather than one that continually beats the drums of war. A fresh start for Ukraine will begin with economic help from all sides. Slowly but surely it will emerge as a peaceful neighbour for Russia as she once was before the Maidan coup of 2014. Novorossiya: The Russian population of the new territories now stably and permanently within the Russian Federation will steadily experience the life of peace they have long sought. Conditions will be seen to be increasingly positive with the population there receiving all the many benefits of Russian citizenship. Infrastructure, already being massively improved will improve still further all across the new regions. Those living in the areas previously devastated by Ukrainian shelling will rise anew, all eagerly greeting the new Russian dawn rising before them. Conclusion: The nightmare of the Russo-Ukrainian war is ending. Whatever plans Trump may have when he takes office in January 2025 this war will be settled on the battlefield. It is a war Russia never wanted and which it has reluctantly engaged in. But it is a war it most certainly will win.